Albuquerque Journal



APD’S PROBLEMS have now become everyone’s problem. They are pushing for “return to work,” why don’t they focus on recruiting efforts? People choose to retire. If they want to return, suspend their PERA. Twice the pay for same job — not fair. — P.O.

THAT RIDICULOUS waste of money called Spaceport America couldn’t make it as a spaceport. Now they want a liquor license so they can turn it into a $200 million tax-funded bar! Why not a brothel, too? That way, at least they might start making some money! — J.N.L.

REPUBLICAN­S KNOW how to negotiate to win. Tell the Democrats you want everything. Compromise and settle for half and still get criticized by the fascists for compromisi­ng and “not winning.” The Democrats just get criticized by the Journal for preventing them from winning. — J.H.H.

IT IS A shame that we lose a good restaurant in Los Lunas and the building is sitting empty on Main Street with no potential buyers! Why not put in a good Italian restaurant? Something that Los Lunas is short of! — C.J.R.

THE “EXPERTS” predict global warming 10, 15 or 20 years into the future. These same “experts” underestim­ated the snowfall on the east coast by 50 to 100 percent even though they had weather data well in advance. Go figure. — S.S.

IT’S CALLED THE Permanent School Fund, not the Land Grant Permanent Fund. It should be spent on schools and children, not other government entities or functions. The rainy day is now! — S.C.

THERE ARE FAR too many in this state who think — in their drug- or alcoholfue­led stupor — that just because they can procreate, they should. — R.R.T.

BIG BUSINESS doesn’t like customer care when it costs them money. They care about profits. — J.O.

IT IS TIME to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for all New Mexicans. Maybe some CEOs won’t like it, but the fight for equality has never been easy. — A.C.

HATRED AND bigotry masqueradi­ng behind cherry-picked biblical or religious language is still nothing but hatred and bigotry — D.L.

THE ONLY PEOPLE who oppose Uber/Lyft are taxicab drivers who don’t want competitio­n. It’s time to deregulate taxis and ride sharing and let consumers choose. — S.M.

PUT IT ON the ballot and let the voters decide. Guns and whiskey are legal. Why can’t pot be legal? — J.S.

OUR STATE ECONOMY continues to falter because of poor policy and government waste. Government­s don’t do well in business. Lower tax rates, stick to improving education, pass right to work and institute term limits. Then the state will grow into prosperity. — M.G.

OH, THE GLORY of the “free market” where both the liberals and conservati­ves can come together in their unholy union. Capitalism with a smile or a fist can buy politician­s of any stripe and yet there are still those who believe that the two ruling class parties are somehow different! — J.M.G.

EDUCATION HORRIBLE, wages horrible, job growth horrible, leading the nation in child poverty, crime of horrible, elected officials among the most crooked in the country. Yeah, who would want to live here? — K.J.C. THIRD-GRADE RETENTION has been proven not to work and it causes more problems. — J.C.

NEW MEXICO IS outrageous­ly lax on DWI and gun offenses. It appears that the state wants to encourage drunken driving and shooting people. — R.T.

LET’S MAKE New Mexico friendlier for retirees — don’t tax their Social Security. — M.B.J.

THE ADDED REVENUE that the very real new industry of marijuana tourism would bring into the state should be considered along with additional tax revenue. For a state that calls itself a tourist destinatio­n, why allow Colorado, and soon Arizona, to siphon off any such business? — M.M.

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