Albuquerque Journal

Assessor’s Office wins top award


The Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Assessing Officers has named the Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office the recipient of its 2016 Public Informatio­n Program Award.

The award recognizes an assessment jurisdicti­on that has developed and implemente­d an effective way to disseminat­e informatio­n about the assessment process.

The Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office has a new website (www. santafecou­ assessor) with a live chat feature averaging 35 chats per day with property owners. The site also features instructio­nal videos and a parcel map search tool.

The award was presented at IAAO’s 82nd Annual Internatio­nal Conference on Assessment Administra­tion in Tampa, Fla. Awards are given in more than 20 categories.

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