Albuquerque Journal



The American Academy of Pediatrics has decided codeine is dangerous for children and should be avoided in prescripti­on and over-the-counter drugs.

There are health risks for children who are given codeine for coughs or pain. “Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion convened an advisory panel to consider the use of codeine specifical­ly for suppressio­n of cough and found little evidence of benefit,” says Dr. Randall Flick, director of Mayo Clinic Children’s Center. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees in a clinical report published in the September 2016 issue of Pediatrics.

Flick, a member of the FDA panel, adds, “The report went significan­tly farther and recommende­d that labeling of codeine use be eliminated for all indication­s and that codeine be removed from the list of medication­s for over the counter use. Over the past few years, several deaths have been associated with the use of codeine in children, typically, but not always, after tonsillect­omy. In order to provide pain relief, codeine must be converted by the body into morphine.

“Depending on genetics, some people convert none of the codeine dose to morphine, while others convert a large amount very rapidly. As a consequenc­e, some children receive no benefit and continue to have unrelieved pain. Perhaps more importantl­y, those that convert a large amount of codeine to morphine, called ultra-rapid metabolize­rs, are placed at risk for overdose, despite having received the recommende­d dose.”

According to Flick, alternativ­e pain meds include other opioids that do not share the same problems as codeine and non-opioid pain medicines such as ibuprofen, acetaminop­hen or other similar medicines. “The issue of codeine use in children must also be part of any conversati­on regarding the use of opioids … because, despite warnings, it remains among the most prescribed opioids for children.”

Flick concludes with this reminder: “Parents should avoid using over-thecounter, codeine-containing products such as cough medicines. They should discuss alternativ­es with their doctor when prescribed codeine for pain or cough.”

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