Albuquerque Journal

Trump putting together team of plutocrats


WASHINGTON — Presidente­lect Donald Trump promised to punish U.S. companies that ship manufactur­ing jobs out of the country. Instead, judging from the way he has handled Carrier, he plans to reward them. Quite handsomely, in fact. As should be standard practice with Trump, pay attention to the substance, not the theater. United Technologi­es, the parent company of airconditi­oner maker Carrier, has been threatenin­g to move more than 2,000 jobs from Indiana to Mexico. Trump addressed this specifical­ly during his campaign, vowing to hit the company with a punitive tariff.

“If they’re going to fire all their people, move their plant to Mexico, build air conditione­rs and think they’re going to sell those air conditione­rs to the United States — there’s going to be a tax,” Trump said on “Meet the Press” in the summer. “It could be 25 percent, it could be 35 percent, it could be 15 percent, I haven’t determined.” As it turns out, how about zero percent? In fact, how about giving United Technologi­es state tax breaks worth about $7 million over the next decade in exchange for moving only 1,300 jobs to Mexico? That’s basically the deal offered by Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who happens to be governor of Indiana (and thus in a position to offer the tax relief).

For the roughly 850 workers who thought they were losing their jobs to Mexico but now will keep them, this is great news. I am happy for them and their families, and I understand why they would feel grateful to Trump.

But I don’t understand why anyone else would consider this a good deal — except, of course, the leadership team at United Technologi­es, which must have sore knuckles from all the fist-bumping.

The company still gets to lay off most of the targeted Indiana workers and replace them with much cheaper Mexican labor. It gets partial compensati­on from the state government. And instead of worrying about a potential tariff, United Technologi­es can anticipate a major reduction in the federal corporate tax rate. That’s something Trump promised on the campaign trail — and also, reportedly, in a recent phone call with United Technologi­es CEO Greg Hayes.

Writing in a Washington Post op-ed, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont put it this way: “Just a short few months ago, Trump was pledging to force United Technologi­es to ‘pay a damn tax.’ ... Instead of a damn tax, the company will be rewarded with a damn tax cut. Wow! How’s that for standing up to corporate greed? How’s that for punishing corporatio­ns that shut down in the United States and move abroad?”

So imagine you’re a CEO who wants to send, say, 5,000 manufactur­ing jobs overseas. Having learned from the Carrier example, you might begin by announcing that, unfortunat­ely, you are forced to eliminate 10,000 jobs because of the crushing tax burden. Even if you really want to move the jobs to Vietnam or Kenya, just say you’re looking at possible sites for a new plant in Mexico. That’s sure to get Trump’s attention.

When Trump calls offering tax breaks or enterprise zone incentives or free rounds of golf in Scotland, whatever goodies he tosses in, hold out for a while — then, reluctantl­y, in the spirit of patriotism and Making America Great Again, announce you’ve agreed to cancel half of the 10,000 job cuts. You’d still be meeting your original goal of eliminatin­g 5,000 jobs, only now you’d also have a lower corporate tax bill and a tee time at Turnberry.

The Carrier deal is just the latest piece of evidence suggesting that Trump’s populist rhetoric about championin­g the working stiff and cracking down on greedy globalist corporatio­ns was all a bunch of hooey. His administra­tion is shaping up to be a government of, by and for corporate America.

His nominee for treasury secretary is Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund tycoon. His nominee for commerce secretary is Wilbur Ross, a billionair­e industrial­ist. His pick to serve as Ross’s deputy is Todd Ricketts, the son of a billionair­e and the co-owner of the Chicago Cubs. His choice as Education secretary is Betsy DeVos, the billionair­e daughter-in-law of the cofounder of Amway.

When he holds meetings of his Cabinet, Trump may not end up being the richest person at the table.

We should pay less attention to what he says, or tweets, and more to what he actually does. So far, this is not a team of rivals, but a team of plutocrats. Trickledow­n economics isn’t what Trump’s supporters voted for, but it looks like what they’ll get.

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