Albuquerque Journal

Fetal tissue research must end


IN RESPONSE TO a recent opinion column by Joan Lamunyon Sanford in the Journal, titled “Fetal Tissue Research Crucial To Our Future,” certain facts must be addressed to counter false statements made even when they seem to be innocently presented as truth! If you really want the truth, take time to read “History of Fetal Tissue Research” by the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Lamunyon Sanford does not appear to have read this research. On the other hand, she presented false claims such as, “Fetal tissue research enables medical advances that would otherwise be impossible.”

False! All the cures listed by her don’t amount to a hill of beans when there is proof that “fetal tissue for transplant­s have met with disastrous results; yet treatment with excellent benefits by use of adult stem cells have resulted in over one million cases.”

This is not an opinion. Proof is in the pie!

Not all vaccines were developed from fetal tissue cell lines. More important, no fresh fetal tissue is used for any vaccines. Modern vaccine developmen­t does not rely on fetal tissue.

Please note that a “summer workshop” for students to dissect fetal brains from a 7-month aborted baby was not even research (admitted by UNM Health Science chancellor). What a barbaric and disgusting waste of time!

The lack of necessity for freshly aborted fetal tissue is only covered up by saying “people of faith,” “partners in healing” and “private medical decisions.”

We must look for the protection of and reverence for the dignity of every human person from conception to natural death! CHARLES GRIEGO Albuquerqu­e

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