Albuquerque Journal



Task Group, the NASA engineers charged with mapping out America’s manned spacefligh­t programs.

Playing a character about as far away from “Empire’s” Cookie as the acting spectrum will allow, Henson delivers the performanc­e of a lifetime. She disappears into the persona of the bespectacl­ed, nerdy, determined, confident, pioneering Katherine, who has to fight to have her ideas heard, has to fight to even get a seat in the room where all the key decisions are made, and even has to fight for the right not to have to run halfway across Langley every time she has to go to the bathroom because the ladies’ room in her building is for “whites only.”

Co-writer and director Melfi (who directed the equally sentimenta­l and quite terrific Bill Murray vehicle “St. Vincent” a couple of years ago) announces the borderline corny tone of “Hidden Figures” from the get-go, with Mary, Dorothy and Katherine stranded after their car breaks down.

A squad car with lights flashing pulls up, and a white state trooper approaches the ladies and asks for identifica­tion. When Katherine shows him her NASA badge, the officer exclaims, “NASA! I had no idea.”

“There are quite a few women working in the space program,” Dorothy says.

After the car is fixed — Dorothy susses out the problem — the trooper gives the ladies an escort, and Mary quips, “Three Negro women are chasing a white police officer down the highway in 1961. That is a God-ordained miracle.”

We get a number of scenes with a similar vibe in “Hidden Figures,” with the women dealing with long-standing stereotype­s and subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) racism. Most of the white characters in the film are basically good people who come to see the light about their prejudices.

Kevin Costner has the Kevin Costner role as Al Harrison (a composite character), the crusty head of the Space Task Group, who goes about his business like Vince Lombardi — barking at his team, telling them they’re losing to the blasted Russians and they better get with it. Glen Powell is John Glenn, who doesn’t care about gender or color; he just wants the smartest people available to calculate his path, because he’s the one going up in that capsule.

Mahershala Ali is his usual welcome presence as Jim Johnson, the military man courting Katherine (and her children). Katherine’s so focused on her career she almost has to be reminded she’s falling in love.

But mostly and most memorably, “Hidden Figures” is about Katherine, Dorothy and Mary, three remarkable and groundbrea­king American heroes.

Henson, Spencer and Monae are all so good. Each has her individual moments, and they’re wonderful together, even when we get clichéd scenes such as the obligatory “everybody dances in the living room” routine.

Katherine’s glasses don’t hide the unwavering look of determinat­ion in her eyes. Dorothy knows exactly how and when to play her trump cards to get what is rightfully hers. Mary’s speech to a Virginia judge in which she appeals to his ego so he’ll rule in favor of her breaking the color barrier in night school is a pure applause-inducing moment.

Junior high and high school classes across the country should take field trips to see this movie.

 ?? COURTESY OF HOPPER STONE ?? From left, Mary Jackson, played by Janelle Monae, Katherine Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, and Dorothy Vaughan, played by Octavia Spencer, celebrate one of their achievemen­ts as mathematic­ians working for NASA in the 1960s.
COURTESY OF HOPPER STONE From left, Mary Jackson, played by Janelle Monae, Katherine Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, and Dorothy Vaughan, played by Octavia Spencer, celebrate one of their achievemen­ts as mathematic­ians working for NASA in the 1960s.
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