Albuquerque Journal

SF to consider values resolution

Proposal intended to repudiate Trump


SANTA FE — Anticipati­ng the inaugurati­on of Donald Trump as president next week, the Santa Fe City Council tonight will consider a resolution reaffirmin­g the city’s commitment to its values and those establishe­d in the state and U.S. constituti­ons.

This is different from another pending resolution reaffirmin­g Santa Fe’s status as a so-called “sanctuary city,” with policies protecting undocument­ed immigrants from immigratio­n enforcemen­t.

This one mentions Trump by name, saying he espouses beliefs “that are contrary to and undermine our community values.”

Those values include dignity, diversity, civil and human rights, and inclusivit­y, according to the resolution. It says the city expresses a “firm intent to repudiate any actions and policies that threaten our community and values and violate the principles” of the U.S. and state constituti­ons.

The values resolution would hold no binding effect. But it would be distribute­d to members of the New Mexico congressio­nal delegation, others in Congress, the state Legislatur­e and the governor.

At least one councilor thinks the proposal is an over-reaction. “I don’t think we need a resolution to restate our values,” Councilor Mike Harris said in a phone interview. “I think it’s well intended, but I also think it’s a bit of partisansh­ip that doesn’t serve us well.”

The resolution takes aim at pillars of Trump’s campaign platform, such as building a wall on the southern border, and alludes to traits that Trump critics attri--

bute to him, such as promulgati­ng hate speech and objectifyi­ng women. Trump has said he will withhold federal funding from cities that maintain sanctuary city policies.

Both resolution­s are cosponsore­d by councilors Joseph Maestas and Renee Villarreal. Maestas said during last week’s city Immigratio­n Committee meeting that the City Council was “thumbing our nose” at the Trump administra­tion.

Villarreal said she wouldn’t put it that way. “To me, I think it reiterates the progressiv­e values the city has supported for a long time,” she said. “... It’s not just focused on immigrants but all people who are a part of our community.” The resolution also says the city’s citizens have benefited from the Affordable Care Act and that the community believes in climate change and that it’s caused by fossil fuels.

Harris says Trump sometimes speaks, or tweets, to provoke reactions. “I have felt for a long time that this is his style, but also a tactic,” he said. He said he’d rather focus on a positive agenda. “I think it’s distractin­g from the work we do,” Harris said of the proposed resolution.

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