Albuquerque Journal

Obama offers hints of post-presidency plans

Vows to join national debate if ‘core values’ are under attack


President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he did not expect to weigh in on day-to-day policy debates after departing the White House this week. But he vowed to inject himself into the national debate if he senses an erosion of the nation’s “core values,” such as efforts to suppress the right to vote, stifle free speech or “round up” young undocument­ed immigrants.

Obama used his final news conference to defend some of his recent policy decisions, but with less than two days before he hands over power to Presidente­lect Donald Trump, he also foreshadow­ed his political life after the presidency.

Asked whether he was concerned about the future of younger immigrants known as “dreamers” under Trump, who has vowed to deport those living here illegally, Obama said that “the notion that we would just arbitraril­y or because of politics punish those kids, when they didn’t do anything wrong themselves, I think would be something that would merit me speaking out.”

Obama’s post-presidency has been the subject of increased speculatio­n in the wake of Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, who had been poised to assume the mantle as the leader of the Democratic Party and carry on many of Obama’s policies.

The president has expressed admiration for his predecesso­rs, including Republican George W. Bush, who remained largely out of the political spotlight and allowed his administra­tion the political space to pursue its agenda. He said Wednesday he plans to do some writing, presumably on his memoirs, and spend more time with his two daughters.

“I want to be quiet a little bit and not hear myself talk so darn much,” he said.

But many Democrats are hoping that Obama remains active in helping the party rebuild in the wake of its crushing loss of power in Washington, where both chambers of Congress are controlled by the GOP. Democrats have also lost considerab­le ground in state legislatur­es during Obama’s tenure.

Obama emphasized that he does not plan to run for another elective office. But he emphasized that he is “still a citizen” and believes “there’s a difference between that normal functionin­g of politics and certain issues or certain moments where I think our core values may be at stake.”

Administra­tion aides have begun to pack up, with most of the West Wing staff scheduled to move out late today. Officials said a small number of Obama aides will remain on the job through noon Friday.

Obama and the first lady are scheduled to fly to Palm Springs, Calif., for a vacation Friday afternoon. They are leaving the White House for a private residence in Washington’s Kalorama neighborho­od while their younger daughter, Sasha, finishes her final 2½ years of high school.

The president chose to field questions from reporters in the White House briefing room, a location chosen in part for its symbolism. Trump aides have alarmed reporters by suggesting that they could be moved out of the West Wing, with fewer chances to question senior officials.

And as if to reinforce his message that diversity is an essential part of the American identity, Obama called on journalist­s from a range of outlets, including Latino, LGBT, African-American and foreign outlets.

Closing his remarks, Obama said that he remains upbeat despite Trump’s victory.

“At my core, I think we’re going to be OK,” he said.

 ??  ?? President Obama
President Obama

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