Albuquerque Journal


- sportsspea­

RUDY C ATTORNEY: (You’re) right we have no talent in NM. Football players, attorneys, doctors and sports writers. Texas is so much better than us we should bow down to them like Bob Davie would want. Heck no! I’ll take the best NM has to offer over 2nd rate Texans except for attorneys. We just have a lack of d-1 talent for that (profession). — NM native Abq

OBSERVATIO­N. The top D-1 talent in NM would rather stand on the sidelines buried deep in the depth chart at Nebraska or Michigan rather than staying and making a difference at UNM. Maybe the degree in communicat­ions or PE looks better coming from those schools. Handing out UNM football scholarshi­ps to every kid that played in HS may sound good but in reality is just socialism. That’s what ENMU, WNMU, Highlands and NM State are for. — tarheelbil­l

NOW CHET, the latest recruiting guru is griping that Gray and Ortiz have been invited to walk on. What other D-1 offers did they have? None? Well man up guys … walk on, excel and prove ol’ Chet right. Ortiz has 3 D-2 offers in state, and at least 4 QBs in front of him at UNM. So perhaps best to go D-2. — Fran

TURNED OFF: with countless poor officiatin­g taking over most games. And the witch-hunt of recreation­al drugs vs. addictive powerful drugs administer­ed in the locker room. Resulting in football players being held to a higher standard than referees & senators? And finally, appalling to find that the NFL entity is a tax free, while our Country is 20 TRILLION in debt. Soon, NFL will stand for Not For Long! — Gary@ The Butte’

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