Albuquerque Journal

Trump explores resuming harsh interrogat­ion

‘Does torture work?’ the president asks. ‘The answer was yes.’


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared Wednesday he believes torture works as his administra­tion readied a sweeping review of how America conducts the war on terror. It includes possible resumption of banned interrogat­ion methods and reopening CIA-run “black site” prisons outside the United States.

In an interview with ABC News, Trump said he would wage war against Islamic State militants with the singular goal of keeping the U.S. safe. Asked specifical­ly about the simulated drowning technique known as waterboard­ing, Trump cited the extremist group’s atrocities against Christians and others and said: “We have to fight fire with fire.”

Trump said he would consult with new Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo before authorizin­g any new policy. But he said he had asked top intelligen­ce officials in the past day: “Does torture work?”

“And the answer was yes, absolutely,” Trump said.

He added that he wants to do “everything within the bounds of what you’re allowed to do legally.”

A clip of Trump’s interview was released after The Associated Press and other news outlets obtained copies of a draft executive order being circulated within his administra­tion.

Beyond reviewing interrogat­ion techniques and facilities, the draft order would instruct the Pentagon to send newly captured “enemy combatants” to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, instead of closing the detention facility as President Barack Obama had wanted. Altogether, the possible changes could mark a dramatic return to how the Bush administra­tion waged its campaign against al-Qaida and other extremist groups.

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer, questioned about the draft order, said it was “not a White House document” but would not comment further.

House Speaker Paul Ryan told MSNBC the draft order was not written by the Trump administra­tion. “My understand­ing is this was written by somebody who worked on the transition before. … This is not something the Trump administra­tion is planning on, working on,” Ryan said.

The draft says U.S. laws should be obeyed at all times and explicitly rejects “torture.” But its reconsider­ation of the harsh techniques banned by Obama and Congress raises questions about the definition of the word and is sure to inflame passions in the U.S. and abroad.

After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, President George W. Bush authorized a covert program that led to dozens of detainees being held in secret locations overseas and to interrogat­ion tactics that included sleep deprivatio­n, slapping and slamming against walls, confinemen­t in small boxes, prolonged isolation and even death threats. Three detainees faced waterboard­ing. Many developed psychologi­cal problems.

While some former government leaders insist the program was effective in obtaining critical intelligen­ce, many others say the abuses weakened America’s moral standing in the world, hurt morale among intelligen­ce officers and proved ineffectiv­e before Obama shut it down.

The AP obtained the draft order from a U.S. official, who said it had been distribute­d by the White House for consultati­ons before Trump signs it.

Reports of the upcoming order quickly sparked alarm.

“The president can sign whatever executive orders he likes. But the law is the law,” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who was tortured during the Vietnam War. “We are not bringing back torture in the United States of America.”

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