Albuquerque Journal

Who knows what will happen when Trump faces a real crisis?

- RUTH MARCUS Columnist E-mail: Copyright, Washington Post Writers Group.

WASHINGTON — What happens when there’s a crisis? When, not if, because that is the nature of the presidency: Bad things happen — often early on, sometimes anticipate­d, sometimes out of nowhere. Consider the historical roster: Somali pirates holding an American captain hostage (Barack Obama’s administra­tion), the Chinese forcing down a Navy aircraft and detaining its crew (George W. Bush), a siege and raid gone bad at a cult complex in Waco, Texas (Bill Clinton).

For a new president, April is the cruelest month; add John F. Kennedy’s Bay of Pigs fiasco to that litany of springtime woes. An unseasoned new president and a wobbly team still learning how to work the system and work together are going to be more susceptibl­e to blunders than later on.

But a crisis under President Trump — a real crisis, not the seemingly endless series of self-inflicted wounds that have scarred the new administra­tion — poses a far scarier situation than with the usual fledgling presidency. Trump’s unforced errors have implicatio­ns and ripple effects for when the real problems inevitably arrive.

First, the best leaders become even more calm, deliberate and focused in moments of stress and emergency. Trump lashes out — before checking the facts, before considerin­g the consequenc­es. Some people believe Trump tweets strategica­lly, as part of a plan to distract. Perhaps, but even so, his calculatio­ns have a propensity to boomerang.

That danger has never been more clear than with his irresponsi­ble accusation­s of wiretappin­g by President Obama. Trump isn’t playing chess — he’s playing checkers, with an elementary schooler’s urge to upend the board when the game isn’t going his way.

What happens when the president is provoked by a real problem, not an unsupporte­d report by a loudmouth talk radio host and a right-wing website? Twitter is a risky enough tool for making foreign policy, but the other tools at a president’s disposal are even riskier. Trump’s fury over everything from paltry inaugural crowd counts to falling poll numbers does not portend a trusty hand when the challenge comes, whether from China, Iran, North Korea, Russia or elsewhere.

Second, the skill set of steady presidenti­al leadership must be augmented by a functionin­g team of principals, deputies and advisers. This truism envisions both the “functionin­g” part, as opposed to the evident rivalries and schisms inside the Trump administra­tion, and the “team” part, as opposed to the virtual absence of key personnel. Who is available, in this home-alone administra­tion, to ask the second- and third-order questions about the consequenc­es of a particular course of action?

If anything, Trump has thrown additional sand in the gears of the existing institutio­nal machinery. His continuing feud with the intelligen­ce community erodes the rapport and trust essential for operating effectivel­y during a crisis. His rocky start with key allies — those phone calls with the leaders of Australia and Mexico, and the takeaways by other foreign leaders — similarly augurs poorly for the kind of concerted action and united front essential in an internatio­nal emergency.

Third, Trump’s predilecti­on to assert and cling to untruths in the face of contrary evidence raises questions about his capacity to absorb and act on unwelcome informatio­n. If the president can’t accept that he lost the popular vote, what happens when advisers deliver bad news? More disturbing, Trump’s tenuous connection to the truth dangerousl­y undermines his credibilit­y with everyone from the U.S. public to foreign leaders.

The sobering state of affairs was underscore­d in a remarkable tweet Monday by the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee, Adam Schiff of California: “We must accept possibilit­y that @POTUS does not know fact from fiction, right from wrong. That wild claims are not strategic, but worse.” Schiff is not a partisan hothead, so his discussion of the sitting president in language more suited to a commitment hearing was that much more striking.

“The implicatio­ns are quite extraordin­ary,” Schiff said in a follow-up interview with NPR. In a crisis, he asked, “how much credibilit­y will the president have left to persuade the country of what has happened, what needs to be done? How much credibilit­y will he have with our allies to get them to back us up? So these have real-world repercussi­ons. … It’s the president losing the credibilit­y of the office.”

That’s the most alarming part of all. Because there is some hope, however scant, of a presidenti­al learning curve. But trust once squandered is not easily, if ever, regained. And without it any president will remain severely hobbled.

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