Albuquerque Journal

Block addresses charges

Party chair complained about legitimacy of Jay Block’s candidacy


In light of recent news coverage about Sandoval County Commission­er Jay Block being questioned about his timing on running for office, the beleaguere­d political rookie took it upon himself Thursday evening to address the issue head on.

Informatio­n was recently confirmed from the Secretary of State’s office that Sandoval County Democratic Party Chair Marg Elliston had made a complaint about the timing of Block’s candidacy. Although Block had the paperwork to prove he was not in violation of any federal laws, he still addressed his innocence.

“I’m sick and tired of the partisansh­ip and calculated attacks, whether it’s this particular issue or planning and zoning ... I ask, ‘When will the Democratic Party stop these attacks?’” Block said. “The effort to discredit my candidacy, while personally taxing, only distracts the citizens of Sandoval County.”

During the public comment section of the meeting, four people, including Rio Rancho City Councilor Cheryl Everett, spoke on Block’s behalf.

“Jay has served his country, raised a wonderful family and stepped up to serve the citizens of Sandoval County,” Everett said. “When Jay called and mentioned to me that he was under attack again, I said, ‘What, for being a hero?’ I think the Sandoval County Democratic Party needs to call off its hacks, remove them from their party positions and start working with all county commission­ers regardless of party to serve us, the people of Sandoval County.”

During the comments from commission­ers segment, Block expressed his desire for bipartisan­ship from each commission­er he works with.

James Dominguez and Kenneth Eichwald said they would be willing to work with Block on a bipartisan basis, and expressed sympathy for what Block has been dealing with over the past week.

Block went on to say he forgives Elliston for the inquiry and would like to move on to actual county business, such as roads, trash and finance.

The commission voted unanimousl­y to enter into a price agreement to award a bid to a cell tower consulting service.

Another unanimous vote authorized a lease-purchase for energy and water conservati­on measures. This item will put into motion the installati­on of solar energy in the parking lot of the county buildings.

“The county is doing this because, No. 1, it saves the taxpayers money,” Chairman Don Chapman said, “No. 2, we reduce our carbon footprint in the community and No. 3, we get covered parking, not just at our facility, but other county facilities, as well.”

The final agenda item, rewording a planning and zoning commission ordinance, has been a topic of concern for several meetings.

Dr. Alan Friedman and former P&Z Commission­er Mary Feldblum again commented on concerns about the wording in the section of the ordinance that was amended.

After their comments, P&Z Director Michael Springfiel­d said he amended the ordinance again to resemble the wording of the City of Rio Rancho’s P&Z ordinance.

Block asked Friedman and Feldblum to give their opinions on the wording for the section.

As the commission questioned Friedman and Feldblum about their opinions on the correct wording for the ordinance, Feldblum looked at County Manager Phil Rios for his interpreta­tion.

“I’m only here two more months, so I’m going to say this: if you are going to do policy for two citizens, I think that you’re doing it the wrong way,” Rios said. “I’ve been listening to this for two or three meetings; I’m getting mixed signals … what is it you want to do? You’re asking this administra­tion to take direction from two citizens and that is the wrong way to do policy.”

The commission postponed decision on the P&Z ordinance to consider re-wording and redrafting a new ordinance section to vote on.

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