Albuquerque Journal

Ryan’s focus on passing a stopgap spending bill

Speaker promises to keep government open; healthcare vote is not imminent


WASHINGTON — House leaders told GOP lawmakers Saturday that they plan to devote their energy this week to keeping the federal government open, conspicuou­sly avoiding an immediate commitment to take up health care despite pledges to do so by conservati­ves and the White House.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., speaking on a conference call with GOP members, offered no specific plan on how or when lawmakers might see details of a new proposal to revise the Affordable Care Act, which White House officials promised would receive a vote by Wednesday.

Ryan also made clear that his top priority was to pass a stopgap spending bill to keep government open past April 28, an objective that requires Democratic support. “Wherever we land will be a product the president can and will support.” Ryan said, according to a senior GOP aide on the call.

The call comes as GOP leaders find themselves trapped between proving that they can complete basic tasks of governing such as funding the government, while also meeting the demands of President Donald Trump, who is looking for a legislativ­e win ahead of his 100th day in office next Saturday.

Ryan’s comments suggested that he and other House Republican­s have made the choice to focus on the former. He said, for instance, that the House will vote on a health-care bill when Republican­s are sure they have the support to pass it, according to several GOP aides on the call — suggesting that he does not believe that to be the case currently, despite renewed negotiatio­ns between House conservati­ves, moderates and the White House.

Ryan encouraged members to continue discussing ideas, but he did not open the call for questions, leaving members to wait until Wednesday morning before they can weigh in on spending or health care.

Trump and his top aides have been calling on Congress to take dramatic action in the coming week: vote on health care, take up tax reform and demand that Democrats agree to a stopgap spending measure that includes funding for a wall along the U.S.Mexico border.

Ryan attempted to calm the disorder Saturday by telling members that repealing the Affordable Care Act remains a priority but urging them to focus on the immediate task of the budget negotiatio­ns, according to the aides on the call. Ryan has vowed for weeks that there will be no government shutdown, and many Republican­s and Democrats have said in recent days that negotiatio­ns are proceeding apace.

At the same time, Trump has publicly downplayed the significan­ce of achieving a victory in the coming week. He dismissed the symbolism of the 100-day mark — despite his repeated promises on the campaign trail that he would meet many of his goals by that date.

He also began walking back the health-care promise after signs emerged that GOP leaders were not prepared to take it up because of the risk that it would anger Democrats.

“We’ll see what happens,” Trump said on Friday. “No particular rush, but we’ll see what happens.”

 ??  ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan
House Speaker Paul Ryan

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