Albuquerque Journal



TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 23): This is the magic hour of life; you’re old enough to take advantage of privileges you didn’t have when you were younger, and you can afford some of what you couldn’t before. The best part is that you’re young enough to enjoy those things. A career break happens in May. A lucky alliance in July leads to big money. Capricorn and Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 13, 21, 7, 38 and 2.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): At first you won’t understand. You’ll break it down and try to figure out the smaller pieces; then put it back together and see if the whole picture makes a little more sense. It’s too soon to say whether you like or agree with it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your choices are pretty clear early on. You can either fall back asleep to dream another dream or you can get out the pen and paper and start hashing out the original dream with a to-do list.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): No one really wants to be loved with a quality that smacks subtly of charity. That is why these days you’re careful to choose love objects that challenge and inspire you instead of endear and require you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): Yes, within the circumstan­ces into which you were born you can still construct a life of your own choosing. To spot where you have options that you are not taking advantage of is the trick. It will be easier to do so today!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): When the external pursuit of change seems in and of itself a recipe for staying stuck (as often is the case) turn inward instead. To face the facts of who you are is to change who you are.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In a good relationsh­ip, there is no such thing as a winner and a loser. If one person is losing, you both are. You have to be on the same team or it’s not going to work.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You’re likely to run this day on gut decisions rather than measured conclusion­s. Either way, you’ll come to the same decision. With your gut you’ll get there faster and less able to explain yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Oscar Wilde said, “Morality is simply the attitude we adopt toward people we personally dislike.” You’d like to think you have better guidelines than that, and yet today’s events will have you questionin­g.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’ll have the luxury to choose among the temptation­s of many entertainm­ents. The further away an activity is from your wheelhouse, the more alive you’ll feel while exploring it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Financial barriers can be worked around in non-financial ways. This works to your benefit, as it’s not the dollars, but the effort you put in that will earn you a standing and reputation.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You might be surprised at how little attention some people get. It’s a good reason to ask the question on your mind. Those who need it will be flattered by your focus. You may very well be the only one who cares today.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Is your heart’s desire realistic? Not according to you! Fortunatel­y, your criterion for realism does not match up with those who are in a position to grant your wild wishes.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: Perhaps any sense of real security in this realm is a myth. There will come a day when even the mountains will crumble to the sea, the sea will evaporate and become desert, the desert will flame, the atmosphere will burst, the sun will swallow the Earth, the stars will die. And yet ...

Now we live in what may very well be the sweet spot of our planet’s life, give or take a thousand years. The new moon in Taurus suggests that though everything is temporary, some things are more lasting than others. We’re encouraged to build solid foundation­s that will live beyond us and to think of generation­s to come.

This double down on the Taurus energy focuses on finance and the quality of material things. The message of the new moon is a restoratio­n of energy and a reminder that if we put our minds to it we just may find the strength and stamina to create something of substance that will still have meaning and integrity when we are gone.

Note that we still have over a week of the Mercury retrograde, and the messenger planet promises not to bore us during these last days of antics. Monday the wing-footed god backs into a harmonious aspect to Saturn, the god of time, setting off an unlikely and fortuitous chain of events.

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