Albuquerque Journal

Justice system must have sufficient funding

A properly-funded judicial branch is necessary to the survival of a civilized society


For over a half-century since the height of the Cold War our nation has set aside May 1 as Law Day in recognitio­n of America’s national commitment to the rule of law in our constituti­onal system of free self-government. Over the years, the importance of our commitment to providing equal justice under law has been tested and reconfirme­d in the face of serious internal and external challenges.

Regrettabl­y, one of today’s greatest threats to the rule of law has come not from foreign aggression and antidemocr­atic ideologies but from our own failure to preserve and protect our American justice system. In New Mexico, the underfundi­ng of our judiciary has created a constituti­onal crisis that will not be resolved without some serious soul searching and a shared recommitme­nt to preserving the rule of law for ourselves and for those who will follow us.

To do so, we must recognize that no self-governing democracy, no civilized society of any kind, can survive without a functionin­g justice system. Without courts that are open to resolve disputes and apply the law, we are left to the lawlessnes­s of the streets and the brute force of the jungle. A government that cannot enforce its own laws and protect the rights of its citizens simply cannot survive.

And we must recognize that we cannot have a functionin­g justice system without adequate funding. All the laws on the books and all the rights guaranteed by the constituti­on are just empty words on paper if our courts do not have the basic resources necessary to enforce them.

In New Mexico, the justice system created for us by the founders of our constituti­on over a century ago is failing because of a lack of necessary funding that has gone well beyond economizin­g and belt-tightening. We are long past the point where we can pinch pennies and get by a little longer by coping and hoping.

When the legislativ­e session began a few months ago, the judicial branch, which is appropriat­ed less than three percent of the state government budget, was running out of funds to pay the costs of basic constituti­onal guarantees like trials by jury, speedy trials and access to the courts.

The two branches of government with the constituti­onal authority to obtain and appropriat­e funding recently addressed the most immediate consequenc­es of our long-term underfundi­ng, for which we are grateful. We staved off for now the necessity of canceling all jury trials for lack of funds to pay jurors as required by law and of locking the doors of some courts and sending employees home without pay. But without a fundamenta­l change in the way we continue to systematic­ally shortchang­e justice, New Mexico is doomed to repeat the dysfunctio­nal cycle of crises and short-term fixes.

The judicial branch must stay out of the political decisions that are the province of the legislativ­e and executive branches, such as how necessary revenues should be raised and which optional government services should be provided. But we do have a clear responsibi­lity to stand up and speak out when the constituti­on itself is being violated. It is no defense to a constituti­onal violation to say our state is unwilling or unable to pay for constituti­onal government. And I am confident that we as a people would never be willing to let our justice system fail.

If we are to continue as a free selfgovern­ing people, if we are to truly honor the rule of law, if we are to live up to our constituti­onal obligation as citizens to guarantee justice for all, we must commit to providing the resources necessary to make the constituti­on more than a hollow promise. Anything less will destroy our American system of justice and democratic self-government more surely than any foreign enemies could ever do.

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