Albuquerque Journal

EU presses UK on Brexit talks

Remaining countries will ‘speak with one voice,’ Merkel says


BRUSSELS — European Union leaders listed demands that British Prime Minister Theresa May must satisfy before they will discuss the trade deal she wants, and urged her to be more realistic in her expectatio­ns.

Any doubts about the scale of the task facing the U.K. in withdrawin­g from the EU after four decades were laid to rest at a Brussels summit of the region’s leaders Saturday. A tough negotiatin­g stance was endorsed unanimousl­y and to applause. Britain responded by saying it expects a confrontat­ion.

The complexity comes down to the fact that a departure from the world’s biggest trading bloc has never been done before and was never supposed to happen. The EU is striving to ensure that Britain is worse off outside it than inside, not least to avoid setting a precedent. After agreeing to the terms of separation, it’s then a matter of getting down to the business of what a future relationsh­ip might look like.

“Nobody has united here against the U.K.,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said as she left the meeting. “The British people have made a decision, which we will have to respect. But we remaining 27 now get together in order to speak with one voice.”

The Brexit discussion­s will begin soon after Britain’s June election, which May called in an attempt to strengthen her mandate going into the Brexit talks. The first orders of business will be guaranteei­ng the rights of citizens and calculatin­g a financial settlement that one leader said would be at least $44 billion. Only once “sufficient progress” is made on those topics will the EU’s attention turn to trade. That looks unlikely to happen before December.

Seeking to present unity in contrast to what they perceive to be muddled thinking and unrealisti­c ambitions on the British side, Merkel and her fellow leaders entered the European Council’s headquarte­rs in Brussels declaring that they stood as one. The message to Britain is that it’s they, not London, in control of what Brexit will look like.

“The U.K. is being confronted with reality now,” Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who estimated that the bill for leaving would be between $440 billion and $65 billion euros, in an interview. The British “can’t get any more favors than a nation that isn’t in the EU,” he said. “The fact remains that it was their decision to leave the EU.”

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker suggested that the British government might not know that. He recalled that when he dined with May last Wednesday, he detected a feeling that Britain’s future deal with the EU could still be discussed in parallel with arranging the divorce.

“That won’t happen,” Juncker said. He added later: “I sometimes have the impression that our British friends underestim­ate the technical difficulti­es we have to face.”

Responding to the summit’s decisions, British Brexit Secretary David Davis acknowledg­ed that the talks would be complex and likely confrontat­ional. He used the EU’s stance to argue that voters should back their Conservati­ve Party in the June 8 election, rather than the opposition Labour Party.

“Both sides are clear — we want these negotiatio­ns to be conducted in the spirit of goodwill, sincere cooperatio­n and with the aim of establishi­ng a close partnershi­p between the U.K. and the EU going forward,” Davis said.

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