Albuquerque Journal

Business travel to-do list should include security

Physical, digital safety tips for those on the go

- By Joseph Steinberg Joseph Steinberg is a cybersecur­ity expert and the CEO of SecureMySo­cial.

As a security expert, I am often asked for tips on how to stay safe while traveling for business and pleasure. Not all of these tips apply to every person or in every situation, but there may be times when one of them could save your life or protect your identity from cyberthiev­es. Some of these also are applicable in your everyday life.

Don’t rely on hotel chain locks

Don’t put too much faith in hotel chain or swing-bar locks. Some can be opened using common household items and others are flimsy and can’t withstand much force.

Cover hotel peepholes

If you stay in a hotel room that has a door with an uncovered peephole, put a crumpled tissue in the peephole or cover it with thick paper so that nobody can see into your room. Tiny cameras also can be set up to spy on you.

Keep your car key fob within reach of the bed

Car fobs contain panic buttons and can double as an alarm in case of emergency. Pressing the panic button will cause your vehicle to blast its horn and flash its headlights. If your car is parked near your location, this can draw attention and possibly scare would-be criminals away. It also can help others find and assist you.

Also, consider storing your key fob wrapped in aluminum foil because some cars can be broken into using devices that boost and relay signals from remote key fobs. Wrapping a fob in aluminum foil when it is not in use can foil these devices.

Keep your car key in hand when walking alone, especially in parking lots

Having your key available reduces the amount of time between approachin­g your car and driving away, thereby reducing your exposure to attack. Also, a physical key protruding between your knuckles as you make a closed fist can serve as a solid makeshift weapon in case someone tries to attack you.

Set the home address in your smartphone, GPS and other devices to a nearby address

If someone steals your phone or breaks into your car while you are away from home, you do not want the crook to know where you live and attempt to burgle your home.

Enable remote wipe for your smartphone

If your cell is stolen, you want to make sure that any sensitive informatio­n on your phone — including travel plans, financial informatio­n and your children’s schedules — is wiped.

Don’t overshare on social media

People have a tendency to post pictures while they are away from home, but if such informatio­n is seen by the wrong people, it can lead to attempts to break into your home.

Also, do not respond to social media invitation­s to events that involve all the residents of your home; doing so can let others know that nobody will be home at a certain time. There are many other examples of what not to share on social media; the bottom line is to think twice before posting.

Don’t let anyone see you enter sensitive informatio­n into a device

With cameras ubiquitous, it is important to block people’s view of your hand when entering PIN numbers, passwords, alarm codes, your children’s carpool pickup times, etc. Remember, high-resolution cameras that can see clearly from far away are now widely available.

Cover cameras

Cover the cameras in smartphone­s, laptops, tablets, smart television­s, etc. Left uncovered, they can record you without your knowledge. Keep in mind that microphone­s can also be activated by malware.

Check for skimmers and hidden cameras

Before making a credit card payment or using an ATM machine, check the device for added-on cameras or “skimming technology.” If a card reader appears to have been tampered with or something appears strange about an ATM, find another machine and notify someone in the store or bank.

Obviously, do the same for any machine that takes a biometric read of yourself; if something seems to have been added to the device, do not provide the system with your fingerprin­ts or allow it to scan your iris, etc.

Don’t reveal sensitive informatio­n on inbound calls

Never reveal sensitive informatio­n on calls that are placed to you. If you receive a call from your credit card issuer or bank about potential fraud on your account, for example, hang up and call the telephone number printed on the back of the card.

Never trust that a call to your hotel room was made from inside the hotel

If you receive a call on your room phone from the front desk about the need to repair something in your room, a delivery or a problem with your credit card, hang up and call the front desk back.

Sometimes when people call the main desk and ask to be transferre­d to a room, or when they have their calls transferre­d several times from around the hotel, the calls appear to have originated internally.

Don’t have conversati­ons with “wrong number” callers

Never give any informatio­n about yourself to someone who reaches you at a “wrong number,” because he or she may be a criminal seeking informatio­n in an attempt to target you for identity theft.

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