Albuquerque Journal

Co-founder contempt

Startup with friends has turned sour, so what now?

- By Suzanne Lucas Suzanne Lucas spent 10 years in corporate human resources, where she hired, fired, managed the numbers and double-checked with the lawyers. Have a workplace dilemma? Send your questions to

I received the following email from a reader:

“I started an advertisin­g company with three friends. I was given the role of business developmen­t manager. I love the job, but over the course of time, the two partners who are better skilled became the self-proclaimed CEO and CMO suddenly. Then the unfair treatment started. They made me and the other partner feel like employees, and they often insult and humiliate me in front of people working under me. In fact, all the employees feel the two are senior management and I am working under them.

The other partner quit the company because he couldn’t take it anymore . ... We work an average of 12 hours a day, often reaching home after 11 p.m. only to come back to work the next morning at 11 a.m. The stress level has increased. No amount of hard work I do is appreciate­d. One small mistake and it’s stuck to me like a leech. They say one small weakness overpowers all my hard work.

Once I was in an immense depression due to a breakup (my fiance cheated on me). They said I should not mix personal life with work life and gave me an option to quit because I was underperfo­rming.

What am I to do in this situation? Is this enough reason to resign and start finding a new job though the business prospects are good?”

First of all, this is not an unusual situation. Friendship­s (and sometimes marriages) wither and die under the pressures of starting a new business. And sometimes they explode and kill all remaining vestiges of friendship, which is what appears to be happening here.

Your question is whether all this pressure and the jerky co-founders are enough reason to find a new job and leave. The answer should be obvious if you take a step back. What did you do when you found out that your fiance was cheating on you? I bet you didn’t put up with it, and you kicked him to the curb. But what do you do when your former friends turn out to be horrible people? Worry about your resume.

This is a mistake that a lot of people make. Of course, you should worry about your resume, but one blip doesn’t doom you, and this isn’t even a blip. If you’re in a job interview and they ask why you are looking for a new job, the answer is easy: “I started this company with three of my friends, but it turns out I prefer working in an establishe­d company, so I’m moving on.”

And it doesn’t have you bad-mouthing your jerky co-founders.

You may say you want to be a founder, but I’m not sure that’s true. You’re complainin­g about working 12-hour days. That is often what it takes to get a business off the ground. It can be done without 12-hour days, of course, but such grueling hours are common. I’m pretty sure this isn’t your baby; it’s your friends’ baby and you are feeling like a baby-sitter rather than a parent.

Now, could this have been avoided? Well, jerks are going to be jerks, but you can often stop a lot of that by making a plan. You said they became the “selfprocla­imed CEO and CMO.” That was a mistake that all four of you made. No one becomes a self-proclaimed anything in a four-person startup. You determine who will take what role from the beginning, and you draw up legal documents that explain company ownership and all those annoying details. You’re letting them treat you like an employee (although, of course, bosses shouldn’t treat employees they way they are treating you) when you should be an equal.

So, before you run off and find a new job, you should probably consult with your attorney. If you’re a co-founder, you should have an ownership stake in the company, and you don’t necessaril­y have to stay there to profit from that. If you don’t have an attorney, now is the time to hire one.

And while it can be great to work with friends, it’s often better to work with people with whom you have strictly business relationsh­ips. There tends to be a lot less drama when business is business only.

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