Albuquerque Journal

Spending bill sent to president

Fights over border wall, domestic spending cuts put off until summer


WASHINGTON — The Senate has delivered to President Donald Trump the first significan­t legislatio­n of his presidency, a bipartisan $1.1 trillion spending bill that would keep the government running through September — putting off, for now, battles over Trump’s U.S.-Mexico border wall and his promised military buildup.

The lopsided 79-18 Senate vote sends the huge bill to the White House in plenty of time to avert a midnight Friday shutdown deadline.

Negotiator­s on the bill dropped Trump’s demands for a down payment on his oft-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but his signature would buy five months of funding stability while lawmakers argue over the wall and Trump’s demands for a huge military buildup matched by cuts to popular domestic programs and foreign aid accounts.

The House passed the measure Wednesday on a big bipartisan vote, though 103 of the chamber’s conservati­ve Republican­s opposed the bill.

The White House and its GOP allies praised $15 billion in additional Pentagon spending obtained by Trump and $1.5 billion in emergency border security funds but was denied funding to begin constructi­on work on the border wall.

“After years of an administra­tion that failed to get serious on border security, this bill provides the largest border-security funding increase in a decade,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a key negotiator.

And Democrats and the pragmatic Republican­s who negotiated the bill successful­ly defended other accounts targeted by Trump such as foreign aid, the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, support for the arts, and economic developmen­t grants, among others.

The bill also increases spending for NASA, medical research, and the FBI and other federal law enforcemen­t agencies.

Democrats also praised the measure as an example of bipartisan cooperatio­n in the handling of the 12 annual appropriat­ions bills that fund the federal government. It reflects bipartisan culture among congressio­nal appropriat­ors, who long ago sorted out many of the spending fights Trump wants to renew this summer — over foreign aid, funding for the arts, Amtrak subsidies, grants to state and local government­s, and developmen­t agencies like the Appalachia­n Regional Commission.

“On a bipartisan basis, we rejected President Trump’s illconside­red proposal to slash domestic programs by $15 billion, including deep cuts for NIH and low-income energy assistance. Instead, this bill includes a $2 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health,” said a top Democratic negotiator, Sen. Pat Leahy of Vermont.

Trump took to Twitter earlier this week to complain about the bipartisan process that produced the measure but changed course to crow about additional spending for the military and border security. The White House has said he’ll sign the bill.

One of Trump’s tweets advocated for a “good shutdown” this fall to fix the “mess” that produced the bill, though he appeared at the White House just hours later to boast that it was a big win for him.

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