Albuquerque Journal

Pope makes two shepherd children saints at Fatima


FATIMA, Portugal — Pope Francis added two Portuguese shepherd children to the roster of Catholic saints Saturday, honoring young siblings whose reported visions of the Virgin Mary 100 years ago turned the Portuguese farm town of Fatima into one of the world’s most important Catholic shrines.

Francis proclaimed Francisco and Jacinta Marto saints at the start of Mass marking the centenary of their visions. A half-million people watched in the vast square in front of the shrine’s basilica, the Vatican said, citing Portuguese authoritie­s. Many had spent days at Fatima in prayer, reciting rosaries before a statue of the Madonna. They clapped as soon as Francis read the proclamati­on aloud.

“It is amazing. It’s like an answer to prayer, because I felt that always they would be canonized,” said Agnes Walsh from Killarney, Ireland. She said she prayed to Francisco Marto for 20 years, hoping her four daughters would meet “nice boys like Francisco.”

“The four of them have met boys that are just beautiful. I couldn’t ask for better, so he has answered all my prayers,” she said.

The pontiff left Fatima on Saturday afternoon. From his popemobile, he saluted thousands of people lining the streets.

Francisco and Jacinta, ages 9 and 7, and their 10-year-old cousin, Lucia, reported that on March 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary made the first of a half-dozen appearance­s to them while they grazed their sheep. They said she confided in them three secrets — foretellin­g apocalypti­c visions of hell, war, communism and the death of a pope — and urged them to pray for peace and a conversion from sin. The Martos are the youngest saints who didn’t die as martyrs.

 ?? L’OSSERVATOR­E ROMANO/AP) ?? Pope Francis prays at the grave site of Jacinta and Francisco Marto at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, Saturday, in Fatima, Portugal.
L’OSSERVATOR­E ROMANO/AP) Pope Francis prays at the grave site of Jacinta and Francisco Marto at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima, Saturday, in Fatima, Portugal.

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