Albuquerque Journal

Abortion counselors play vital roles


ANTI-ABORTION GROUPS, like any anti groups, do many things to keep themselves relevant. Their spokespeop­le enjoy the limelight of attention as they stand to interfere with other people’s health care decisions. There is nothing new or relevant about their demands. They just need to keep themselves in the light of attention.

Meanwhile, every day women in New Mexico and around the country live in fear that they will be unable to get the care they need. The continuous assault on Southweste­rn Women’s Options and the University of New Mexico Hospital gives the antiaborti­on movement its sense of purpose.

As a physician,a woman, a parent and grandparen­t, a thinking and caring human and an American, I find their pursuit full of hatred and harm. They have made a decision about what is right and insist on using that as a weapon against anyone who disagrees. We supposedly live in a nation that accepts personal liberty and personal responsibi­lity. Yet these people use their freedom to condemn others who seek the same rights. They do not understand the harm they do in interferin­g with good medical care and careful medical counseling, nor do they care. As long as they can bask in the attention of the press they appear happily to continue their drive. These three-column articles are what they want and need to continue to feel important. SWWO and UNMH providers continue to offer superb counseling and care while not needing the public attention. That is why women, some from very far away, come to New Mexico for the care they can get here. Women are voting with their feet, as we say. I am very proud that we offer abortion services here. It speaks to our humanity, our caring and our common sense. SANDRA F. PENN, MD FAAFP Albuquerqu­e

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