Albuquerque Journal

Ga. election result doesn’t change anything

- E. J. DIONNE Dionne’s columns, including those not published in the Journal, can be read at — look for the syndicated columnist link. Copyright, Washington Post Writers Group; e-mail: ejdionne@ Twitter: @EJDionne.

WASHINGTON — What we learned from Tuesday’s special congressio­nal election in Georgia is that there is no magical solution to the country’s Trump problem. This will be a long fight.

Karen Handel’s victory over Democrat Jon Ossoff was not an endorsemen­t of the president. It was a personal and party success achieved despite him.

Democrats are, well, blue because a loss is a loss. You can measure their disappoint­ment by imagining the triumphali­sm we’d be hearing had Ossoff prevailed. But nothing that happened should make Republican­s feel secure about their hold on the House of Representa­tives. Nationaliz­ing the swings against them in the special elections held for GOP seats this year would likely deprive them of control in 2018.

The key for Handel was the time she had between April’s first round of voting, which Ossoff led in an open primary with 48.1 percent, just short of the majority he needed to settle matters then, and the second, in which Ossoff’s vote almost precisely matched his earlier share.

“Ossoff’s problem is that he didn’t win the first round,” Brian Fallon, senior adviser to Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC, said in an interview. “The longer this race was in the national spotlight, the more money it drew from the Republican­s, and the more they were able to consolidat­e their base.”

And while Democrats were mourning in Georgia on Tuesday night, they almost stole a House seat in South Carolina where Archie Parnell came within about 2,800 votes and 3 percentage points of defeating Republican Ralph Norman.

In races without the national focus and Fort Knox-level spending, energized anti-Trump voters appeared to turn out at far higher rates than dispirited Republican­s. Thus did Democrats sharply cut the Republican­s’ 2016 margins in Kansas and Montana districts earlier this year. The moral for GOP strategist­s: They face real threats in less hospitable territory. This also suggests that Democrats should broaden their aspiration­s beyond suburban areas seen as especially hostile to President Trump.

Whit Ayres, a Republican consultant and Handel strategist, underscore­d her success in turning the contest into a normal partisan choice. “The voters decided that Karen Handel was a better representa­tive of their values, their interests and their perspectiv­e than Jon Ossoff,” he told me. “Karen Handel ran a relentless­ly localized campaign that focused on that perspectiv­e.”

Notice those words: “relentless­ly localized.” To pull this off Handel had to keep her distance from Trump. Ayres put the matter diplomatic­ally: “The president structured the broader environmen­t but didn’t determine the outcome of this particular race.” Exactly.

Yet if Trump was unpopular in the district, his approval rating, Fallon said, was “6 or 7 points higher” there than his standing nationwide. Trump was thus disliked enough to give Ossoff a chance, but not so unpopular that “a screeching­ly antiTrump campaign,” as Fallon put it, would have gone over well.

However, Fallon did see a lost opportunit­y. Ossoff, he said, could have run much more forcefully against the House Republican health care bill, particular­ly its unpopular provisions that would undercut protection­s for those with pre-existing conditions. Paradoxica­lly, if the Georgia result encourages the Senate to join in passing a deeply flawed Obamacare repeal bill, it could hurt the GOP in the long run.

Handel also turned Ossoff’s residency about two miles outside the district into a cultural argument that his heart was actually 2,100 miles away, in San Francisco. “He’s just not one of us,” her ads said, and this message was reinforced by tying him to House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi — and perhaps inadverten­tly by Ossoff’s own promise to “grow metro Atlanta’s economy into the Silicon Valley of the South.” Pelosi’s enduring role as a Republican punching bag revived debate over whether her leadership is an electoral drag on the party, or if she is simply a convenient (female) symbol for attacks on liberalism that the GOP would level with or without her.

Everybody uses special elections to ratify whatever they thought before a single vote was counted. Do Democrats need a compelling economic message? Yes. Would the existence of such a message have won Ossoff this race? Probably not. Did Georgia make Republican­s feel better and Democrats worse? Sure. Does this mean that Trump and the GOP are out of the woods? Not in the least.

Trump’s foes hoped that a district in Georgia would strike a decisive blow against him. But miracles rarely happen in politics, and suburban Atlanta Republican­s were loyal enough to their party to decide that it wasn’t their job to deliver one.

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