Albuquerque Journal

Ensuring voter privacy not voter suppressio­n

NM laws protect voter informatio­n from prying eyes, including those of the federal government


It isn’t often that 44 states, led by both Republican and Democratic governors and secretarie­s of state, carve out similar positions on any given issue. Yet that is exactly what has happened in response to a request my office (and others) received from President Trump’s socalled Commission on Election Integrity.

The commission requested the voter registrati­on informatio­n for all Americans, including dates of birth, Social Security numbers, party affiliatio­n, and history of military service, where permitted. As the chief election official of this state, my first priority in the face of any request for personal data is to protect New Mexico voters and their privacy.

This is exactly what I am doing in response to the commission’s request, and my position has been backed up by state election officials on both sides of the aisle, election and data experts across the country, and with strong support from our fellow New Mexicans.

In the last week, the Albuquerqu­e Journal shared its support for a national commission that amasses the personal data of all voting Americans, including portions of Social Security numbers, and criticized my position not to release New Mexico voters’ data to the commission.

Unfortunat­ely, the Journal oversimpli­fied the implicatio­ns of collecting voter data by the commission and the problems that would result from comparing incomplete data, and it attempted to brush aside legitimate concerns about voter suppressio­n efforts underway across the county — including the well-documented voter suppressio­n work of the commission vice-chair, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

I, along with colleagues from across the nation, have grave concerns about the purpose of this commission and how it will use any collected data. Let’s be clear. Anyone has the right to request publicly available informatio­n from my office, and I will meet any good faith and lawful request.

But New Mexico law only allows voter informatio­n to be provided for government­al or political purposes. The commission letter states that all informatio­n provided in response to its request would be made available to the public; meaning your voter informatio­n would be available to anyone and for any purpose. That is an unlawful use of New Mexico’s voter data, and unless I can verify that your data will be protected, and no one’s privacy will be violated, I cannot comply with the commission’s request.

Election and data experts around the country know that the type of data states can publicly provide would not allow the commission to draw meaningful conclusion­s about whether any votes were cast illegally. It’s a violation of New Mexico law to ever share a voter’s Social Security number or birth date, and without this person-specific data, the commission would not be able to accurately or honestly compare a New Mexico voter to those in other states.

It must be acknowledg­ed that the commission was establishe­d upon President Trump’s unsubstant­iated claim of “massive voter fraud” in the 2016 general election. At one point, President Trump even referred to the commission as the “voter fraud panel.” I am not aware of a single election official in the nation — Republican or Democrat — who believes that millions of votes were cast illegally in 2016.

Further, national security experts and former officials from both sides of the aisle have been clear that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. And yet, lacking a complete understand­ing of the depth and breadth of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and its implicatio­ns for future elections, the commission has ignored this issue of fundamenta­l importance to our Democracy and instead is focusing its efforts on creating a national voter registry. Why?

My great worry is that this commission is really a “Trojan Horse” intended to spur additional voter suppressio­n efforts at all levels of government. It would be a much better use of taxpayer money to find answers to actual problems that election administra­tion officials face, including consistent underfundi­ng of elections, increased security demands, and creating as much opportunit­y as possible for every eligible voter to cast a ballot in every election.

Until I get a clear explanatio­n of how our voters’ data will be used, how it will be secured and what the commission hopes to accomplish with it, I will continue to protect the privacy rights of every New Mexican and refuse to share their data with the commission.

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