Albuquerque Journal

Embezzleme­nt often proves difficult to prosecute

- Joel Jacobsen Joel Jacobsen is an author and has recently retired from a 29-year legal career. If there are topics you would like to see covered in future columns, please write him at legal.

In “The Haverstock Hill Murder,” a Victorian-era mystery by George R. Sims, the narrator goes to the racetrack and observes “a well-known publisher… in earnest conversati­on with a beautifull­y dressed, gray-haired sportsman.” In other words, with a confidence man.

The publisher unwisely gives the con man 5 pounds to bet on a sure thing. The narrator subsequent­ly speaks to the publisher, breaking the news that “he was the victim of a ‘tale-pitcher,’ and that he would never see his fiver again.”

Along comes a police inspector, who hears the story and immediatel­y asks the publisher if he is willing to press charges. “The publisher shook his head. He didn’t want to send his authors mad with delight at the idea that somebody had eventually succeeded in getting a fiver the best of him.”

Sims, a journalist and humorist as well as author of murder mysteries, knew something about trying to get money out of publishers. But his little joke also identified a perennial difficulty in the prosecutio­n of so-called white-collar crime: Victims often care more about preserving their reputation­s than in seeing the perpetrato­rs punished.

The reluctance to prosecute is particular­ly pronounced with the sneaky crime of embezzleme­nt. Embezzleme­nt differs from straight-up larceny in that the victim initially entrusts the money or other property to the embezzler. The embezzler lawfully takes initial possession of the goods, but then wrongfully keeps them. A cashier who accepts a 20 from a customer and pockets it instead of putting it in the till is an embezzler. A customer who reaches over the counter and grabs a 20 from the till is a thief. But the store’s loss is the same either way.

Typically, the embezzler is a trusted employee, often in bookkeepin­g, accounts receivable or management, spending five days a week in the company of his or her victims, smiling and chatting and playing the role of a reliable co-worker. Because embezzleme­nt involves a betrayal of trust in addition to theft, it has always seemed to me a worse crime than ordinary stealing, and most victims find it much more upsetting. And yet the law has traditiona­lly treated embezzleme­nt with leniency, on the curious ground that it “is purely a statutory crime and did not exist at common law,” as our Court of Appeals has written. That’s not even true: Blackstone, the great compiler of the common law, wrote in the 1700s that if a servant has “the care and oversight of the goods, as the butler of plate, the shepherd of sheep, and the like, the embezzling of them is felony at common law.”

But even if it were true that embezzleme­nt was unknown to the common law, the same could be said of most criminal offenses on our books, including second-degree murder and daytime burglary. The real reason for the lenient legal treatment of embezzlers, I’m convinced, is that they are, pretty much by definition, people who inspire trust. Their crime is “white-collar,” identified by social class. Judges, used to contact with skeevy street criminals, find it easy to sympathize with wellspoken, well-groomed embezzlers. For judges, embezzlers are “us,” not “them.”

Hiscox Ltd., a business insurer, recently issued a report analyzing 425 federal embezzleme­nt prosecutio­ns. Almost half the victim companies had fewer than 25 employees. The report says: “Though it may seem counterint­uitive, smaller organizati­ons with tightknit workforces are particular­ly vulnerable precisely because employees are trusted and empowered.” In those 425 cases, the median loss was $294,354. The average loss was much higher, because one-fifth of all cases involved more than a million dollars.

Those are eye-opening — and potentiall­y company-killing — numbers. But they also reveal something about the nature of cases that find their way into criminal court. Smaller embezzleme­nts are much more likely to be swept under the rug. Company executives, like that Victorian publisher, often prefer not to publicize their lack of good cashmanage­ment practices. The acute embarrassm­ent of being played for a fool is frequently salved by the proceeds from a surety bond or other form of insurance. So the victim, like the publisher, lets it slide. As a result, the embezzler’s subsequent background check won’t reveal a criminal conviction, leaving him or her free to repeat the profitable parasitic process at the next place of employment.

The 2016 Hiscox Embezzleme­nt Study, freely available online, contains sensible advice for avoiding embezzleme­nt, but most business owners know the basics already: Divide responsibi­lities, build in oversight, conduct regular reviews. And, I’m sorry to say, don’t trust too much.

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