Albuquerque Journal

Glass-Rite cites benefits of Manufactur­ing Day

- BY DAMON SCOTT FOR FINANCE NEW MEXICO Finance New Mexico connects individual­s and businesses with skills and funding resources for their business or idea. To learn more, go to www.FinanceNew­

October 2017 marks the third year that Albuquerqu­ebased window and door manufactur­er GlassRite is participat­ing in Manufactur­ing Day, a nationwide celebratio­n of manufactur­ing and its impact on local economies.

“People want to see the manufactur­ing facility, so we walk them through it and try to have all the equipment operating — our automated glass cutter, frame welder — it’s what people are interested in,” said Steve Hoberg, vice president of sales and public relations for the company that employs about 30 workers.

Glass-Rite will open its doors to the public and student groups for tours on Oct. 25. “We also have groups of students from CNM once or twice a year as well,” he said, which can spur interest in future employment.

Creating interest in manufactur­ing careers is one of the core goals of Manufactur­ing Day. Many events are geared to students in an effort to excite young people about engineerin­g, design and production careers.

Events are organized by New Mexico Manufactur­ing Extension Partnershi­p, a nonprofit organizati­on that offers manufactur­ers training and expertise in efficient production and administra­tive practices that allow them to maximize their competitiv­e edge. This year’s events include workshops, roundtable discussion­s and manufactur­ing facility tours that allow the public to see designs turned into products and products repurposed into other products.

Hoberg said the tours are more than just a feel-good activity for the manufactur­er. They have provided the company with an important way to stay connected to current customers, add potential new clients and contracts, and open the door to prospectiv­e employees.

About 60 to 70 percent of Glass-Rite’s business comes from residentia­l projects, and the rest comes from the multifamil­y sector. GlassRite uses Manufactur­ing Day tours to demonstrat­e its fabricatio­n processes to multifamil­y property managers and housing directors from the state’s pueblos. “We’ve gotten some pretty good contracts out of it,” Hoberg said.

Glass-Rite was formed in 1984. Hoberg and his brother, Bill, purchased the company in 1987. “We had a couple of trucks and a few saws at that time, making windows even back then,” said Hoberg. Bill took over full ownership in 2011, allowing Hoberg to focus on business developmen­t.

Local referrals are an important source of business for the company. “We have competitio­n from companies that are much larger and more national than us, that advertise extremely heavily,” said Hoberg. “We don’t have the national advertisin­g allowance that these other companies do, so we have to work hard and make sure our referrals are solid, and it’s a lot of word of mouth as time goes on,” he said. The company has also tapped into the New Mexico True marketing program, recently completing its certificat­ion.

Hoberg said that while the state is facing challenges that affect the economy, it’s not all doom and gloom.

“From a manufactur­ing standpoint, New Mexico is a good place to locate. The labor pool is pretty good. From what I can understand, there’s a huge desire for people to work with local companies — that’s been beneficial to us.”

The tour of GlassRite’s 20,000-squarefoot window and door manufactur­ing facility is one of about 50 events taking place in New Mexico in October. All public tours are free and can be found at http://newmexicom­ep. org/mfgday. The site links visitors to a correspond­ing Eventbrite page where preregistr­ation is requested.

To learn more about Glass-Rite, visit http://

 ?? COURTESY OF JANE PHILLIPS PHOTOGRAPH­Y ?? Participan­ts tour Glass-Rite during the annual Manufactur­ing Extension Partnershi­p’s Manufactur­ing Day events in 2016.
COURTESY OF JANE PHILLIPS PHOTOGRAPH­Y Participan­ts tour Glass-Rite during the annual Manufactur­ing Extension Partnershi­p’s Manufactur­ing Day events in 2016.

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