Albuquerque Journal

Everyone’s a critic

How to handle unsolicite­d advice, unwelcome opinions

- By David Olk

Everyone has an opinion, and I believe in everyone’s right to an opinion. I, too, share my thoughts and advice in this space with my faithful readers.

But there’s something that’s been bugging me lately about opinions. And one of Teddy Roosevelt’s quotes keeps running through my head about the man in the arena who’s muddy from playing the game versus the critics in the stands: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcomin­g.”

We entreprene­urs are in our own arena. And when you’re starting or building a company, there are plenty of spectators who come forth and let you know what they think about your business model, your potential market, your product and/or even your product leader.

When you are starting a business, there’s no shortage of people who have opinions about things that really are none of their business.

There are many people who think it’s their role to opine on whether or not they think your business is going to work. I remember my business school classmates who would yammer on about whether my company was going to work, even though we had already raised $30 million of capital and had 200 employees with revenue growing four times every year.

Um, it’s working. And no, you cannot work here for 5 percent of the business.

And, for the founder who is rolling up his or her sleeves, digging in day in and day out, making decisions left and right, consulting with his or her own gurus, this unsolicite­d advice is nothing but a distractio­n.

So let me give you some of my own unsolicite­d advice. Stop saying things like this:

“I’m excited to see what you’re building. I’d be willing to discuss your company more and share my expertise on what you should be doing,” says the person who was too important to take a meeting in the first place and has never built anything on his own.

“I’m a little bit concerned with the team,” says the 25-year-old venture capital associate who has never founded a company.

“I don’t understand how this is scalable,” says every VC about every event, hardware, local acquisitio­n or any business they do not understand that doesn’t involve some simple piece of software that smacks them in the face.

“Have you thought about doing X or partnering with Y?” says the well-meaning adviser with an idea that is nearly impossible to pull off.

That last one is the most innocent but deadly, in my opinion. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s a fantastic idea, one that a founder would love to be able to have the time, energy and money to implement.

But unless that adviser is giving you $10 million to make it happen, the founder is too busy actually running the business, and you’ve just reminded him or her of that fact. Especially because most high-growth companies are lacking funding and the founders are on a constant hamster wheel.

Every entreprene­ur will have to deal with criticism and opinions. And you should, in fact, listen to what people are saying. After all, if you don’t talk to people about your ideas, they will rust and die.

The feedback may in fact be a good idea or a blind spot you haven’t thought of. So feedback is good. Remember, you don’t know everything.

But here’s how to handle the more unwelcome advice:

Learn to smile and nod: Try to understand what, if anything, you can actually take from the advice. Create advocates by letting people think they are helping you, even if their feedback is worthless.

Don’t let self-important know-it-alls bug you: Don’t let stupid advice or generally nasty unhelpful people get you worked up. Remember the big picture. Many could never build what you are building. It’s simply a defense mechanism for their own insecuriti­es and inability to take risks and do what you are doing.

Put it back on them: Say, “Can you tell me what else you’re thinking about?” This will either provide the soapbox they’re craving or will make the person realize it’s time to back off.

Generally maintain a positive attitude and a willingnes­s to learn. Great businesses are built on user discovery and learning. Always get the feedback, but be sure to filter it.

David Olk is the CEO and co-founder of Voray.

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