Albuquerque Journal

Tough decisions loom for GOP on tax-cut plan

Leaders say success is crucial ahead of next year’s elections


Congressio­nal Republican­s face critical decisions this week as they move within striking distance on a major legislativ­e package to cut taxes, an achievemen­t party leaders say is crucial to stabilizin­g the GOP’s recent political tailspin ahead of next year’s elections.

The House plans to vote on a GOP tax bill by week’s end that would slash taxes for companies and overhaul the tax code for virtually every American family and individual. And the Senate Finance Committee plans to vote on its version of the package within the next few days.

Stark difference­s between the House and Senate tax bills remain unresolved, but there is enough overlap and — so far — muted intraparty resistance, making the White House increasing­ly optimistic that an agreement can come by Christmas, as President Donald Trump has repeatedly promised.

Enactment of the taxcut package would mark Trump’s first major legislativ­e accomplish­ment at a point when his job approval rating has dropped to a record low for this point in a presidenti­al tenure.

Still, potential quagmires remain. House and Senate Republican­s risk colliding over whether Americans should be able to deduct local property taxes from their federal taxable income. The House GOP bill would allow Americans to deduct up to $10,000 of those taxes from income as a way to placate complaints from conservati­ves in high-tax states such as New York, New Jersey and California.

In an interview Sunday, Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, stood firm on that provision, saying it is important to “make sure people keep more of what they earn, even in these high-tax states.”

Americans are permitted to use local property taxes as well as state income taxes to offset parts of their federally taxed income. Senate Republican­s in their proposal have so far refused to allow for the deduction of any of those taxes.

Meanwhile, House and Senate bills differ importantl­y on how a huge corporate tax cut would go into effect. In the House GOP bill, the tax rate for corporatio­ns would fall from 35 percent to 20 percent in 2018. In the Senate bill, the tax cut wouldn’t take effect until 2019, delaying some benefits for corporatio­ns but shaving more than $100 billion off the cost of the change.

Congressio­nal Republican­s have not indicated how they plan to address this discrepanc­y, but finding agreement on the timing of the cuts and how to treat property tax income would resolve some of the biggest outstandin­g issues.

Ten months after Republican­s took control of the White House and Congress, the imperative could hardly be greater for a party that repeatedly fell short of its promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

The results of Tuesday’s election - in which Democrats swept governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey, as well as other contests around the country — have heightened the need for the GOP to demonstrat­e that it can govern. So, too, has the controvers­y that has enveloped Roy Moore, the GOP Senate candidate in Alabama, who has been accused of making romantic and sexual advances on teenagers when he was in his 30s.

Failure to deliver on tax cuts, a growing number of Republican­s say, could have consequenc­es in races across the country next year, particular­ly if GOP donors close their wallets and the enthusiasm of grass-roots volunteers is sapped by the inaction.

“They have to pass something they can call tax reform or get under their desks and wait for the shelling,” said John McKager “Mac” Stipanovic­h, a longtime Florida-based GOP consultant. “The perceived level of dysfunctio­n in a Republican-led Congress and the perceived level of incompeten­ce in a Republican-led White House would have enormous consequenc­es in the 2018 election.”

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