Albuquerque Journal



... congressio­nal Republican­s finally manage to pass tax legislatio­n, which in its final form is expected to be approximat­ely the same length as “War and Peace” in the original Russian but less intelligib­le to the average American taxpayer. The consensus of expert media commentato­rs is that the legislatio­n will reduce taxes for the middle class, increase taxes for the middle class, stimulate the economy, destroy the economy, make America great again, and literally kill millions of people.

In federal groping news, Minnesota Democrat Al Franken announces that he will resign from the Senate on the grounds that, according to him, he didn’t do anything. With new scandals surfacing in Washington almost daily, there is talk that the nation may need to reinstitut­e the draft so that there will be a reserve supply of men available to run the government.

Meanwhile, in a move that sparks outrage in the Middle East, Trump announces plans to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Trump Tower, which the president says offers “a much more favorable lease.”

Finally this hellish year, which by any standard of decency should have been canceled months ago, draws to a close. The American people, wearied by the endless scandals and the relentless toxic spew of partisan political viciousnes­s, turn away from 2017 in disgust and look hopefully toward the new year, which by all indication­s will be calmer and saner.

We are of course joking. By all indication­s the nation is going to spend 2018 the same way it spent 2017, namely obsessing spitefully over 2016. So the best we can do is enjoy the brief reprieve offered by the holidays. In the spirit of the season, let’s try, as a nation, to forget about our difference­s, at least for a few days. Let’s remember that we’re all Americans, and let’s give our friends and loved ones, whatever their political views, a big old holiday hug.

No, scratch that. No hugging! Give your friends and loved ones a formal holiday handshake, then back away slowly with your hands raised in plain view.

Then have a happy new year. Or at least try.

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