Albuquerque Journal

Students protest at Florida state Capitol

Shooting survivors demand reform


TALLAHASSE­E, Fla. — A week after a shooter slaughtere­d 17 people in a Florida high school, thousands of protesters, including many angry teenagers, swarmed into the state Capitol on Wednesday, calling for changes to gun laws, a ban on assault-type weapons and improved care for the mentally ill.

The Florida Statehouse filled with students, among them more than 100 survivors of the Feb. 14 attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. They held signs, chanted slogans and burst into lawmakers’ offices demanding to be heard.

The teens were welcomed into the gun-friendly halls of power, but the students’ top goal — a ban on assault-style rifles such as the weapon used in the massacre — was taken off the table a day earlier, although more limited measures are still possible.

Many protesters complained that lawmakers were not serious about reform, and they said they would oppose in future elections any legislator who accepts campaign contributi­ons from the National Rifle Associatio­n.

“We’ve spoke to only a few legislator­s and … the most we’ve gotten out of them is, ‘We’ll keep you in our thoughts. You are so strong. You are so powerful,’ ” said Delaney Tarr, a senior at the high school. “We know what we want. We want gun reform. We want commonsens­e gun laws. … We want change.”

She said: “We’ve had enough of thoughts and prayers. … So this is to every lawmaker out there: No longer can you take money from the NRA. We are coming after you. We are coming after every single one of you, demanding that you take action.”

Outside the building, the crowd chanted “Vote them out!” as speakers called for the removal of Republican lawmakers who refuse to address gun control issues. One sign read “Remember the men who value the NRA over children’s lives” and listed Republican­s in Florida’s congressio­nal delegation. Other signs said, “Kill the NRA, not our kids” and “These kids are braver than the GOP.”

About 30 people left an anti-gun rally outside Florida’s Old Capitol and began a sit-in protest at the office of four House Republican leaders, demanding a conversati­on about gun legislatio­n.

“They’re not speaking to us right now. We only asked for five minutes and so we’re just sitting until they speak,” Tyrah Williams, a 15-year-old sophomore at Leon High School, which is within walking distance of the Capitol.

In Washington, students and parents delivered emotional appeals to President Donald Trump to act on school safety and guns. The president promised to be “very strong on background checks,” adding that “we’re going to do plenty of other things.”

 ?? GERALD HERBERT/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Student survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School bow their heads as the names of the victims are read at a rally for stricter gun laws at the Florida Capitol in Tallahasse­e on Wednesday.
GERALD HERBERT/ASSOCIATED PRESS Student survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School bow their heads as the names of the victims are read at a rally for stricter gun laws at the Florida Capitol in Tallahasse­e on Wednesday.

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