Albuquerque Journal



God bless America, and how’s everybody?

The Weather Channel reported freak weather on the Eastern Seaboard and West Coast, with record warm weather in New York and record cold weather in California. How bad is it? It’s so cold in Los Angeles that people are saying nice things about Trump just for the heated response.

The journal Lancet released a medical study saying psychedeli­c mushrooms are the least addictive drug. The effects are wild. You see bright colors everywhere, you hear eerie music coming at you from all directions, and you think a Republican Congress is going to impeach a Republican president.

The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported KFC ran out of chickens in Great Britain, forcing hundreds of KFC restaurant­s to close. No one pays the story much mind. If we ever see a headline reading “Chickens run out of KFC,” then we’ll pay close attention because it’s a much funnier visual.

George Washington’s birthday is marked today at his Mount Vernon plantation in Virginia. He was indispensa­ble to the founding of the Republic. George Washington is America’s favorite president because he’s the only one who didn’t blame his problems on the previous administra­tion. Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, and entertains groups and organizati­ons around the country. Email him at Argus@ ArgusHamil­

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