Albuquerque Journal


- sportsspea­

IN THE AGE of punishment being meted out on the basis of allegation I suppose the Davie suspension is par for the course. But really, “no policies violated” and multiple witnesses calling into question the charges against him? The veracity of the charges is much less important than those who make them. When will the madness end? A “suspension without pay” and a vote of no confidence from the Regents? If I were Davie I would sure be inclined to bid UNM adios and start talking to my attorneys about unjustifie­d damages to my reputation! — Weston Sumner

RE: publicly posting names of those “supporting” the UNM FB coach without their knowledge/ consent — “permission schmermiss­ion,” eh counselor? Lucky that NM doesn’t recognize ‘right of publicity.’ — Greg (not an attorney) WAS INTERESTIN­G to see the Journal (list) all the individual­s that support coach Bob Davie. However it would also be interestin­g to see how many individual­s back the UNM Acting President in his decision to suspend coach Davie. That will never happen! — DS, Los Lunas

A UNM REGENT has allegedly taken a plaque intended for a retired regent. I’m not sure what’s happened to our university. With a new athletic director on-board and a new president set to take office next week, it would be nice to start anew with the regents, as well. Governor Martinez? — Fading UNM Fan

IT MUST BE nice to sponsor your own last ride in NASCAR, as (Danica) Patrick has done. But, she demonstrat­ed the success of her whole NASCAR career and nickname — Crash Patrick. Maybe she should have just left it at Homestead. — JEH

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