Albuquerque Journal


- Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. Email him at Argus@ArgusHamil­

God bless America, and how’s everybody?

CBS News in Los Angeles issued a high wind advisory Sunday, forecastin­g wind speeds of 13-15 mph sweeping L.A. the next day. Sometimes, the battle against the elements is just too much for us to bear in Los Angeles. We were already on drizzle watch.

President Trump was happy to tell a Florida group that all 100 Tomahawk missiles hit their targets in Syria. Things never go completely your way. The U.S. missiles were so accurate, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has begun investigat­ing Trump for colluding with Werner von Braun.

Prime Minister Theresa May announced in Parliament that Russia launched a cybersecur­ity attack on the U.S. and Britain. If the attack penetrates the cybersecur­ity wall, it’d shut down our entire electrical power grid. Picture the panic in America when every phone is down to 3 percent.

James Comey compared Trump’s governing style to a Mafia crime family boss on Sunday. He can be trigger-happy. If you watched “The Apprentice,” you know it doesn’t matter if you’re a Cabinet member, a White House staffer, the head of the FBI or 100 Tomahawk missiles, you’re fired.

James Comey ripped President Trump in an ABC interview Sunday, calling him morally unfit for office. He’s making the most of his firing. He reminds me of the opera tenor who set a world record for holding a high-C onstage for 70 seconds, after he backed into a spear.


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