Albuquerque Journal

Arrests in Philadelph­ia Starbucks incite racially charged uproar

Company plans bias training day in May


NEW YORK — Starbucks, trying to tamp down a racially charged uproar over the arrest of two black men at one of its stores in Philadelph­ia, plans to close more than 8,000 U.S. stores for several hours next month to conduct racial-bias training for nearly 175,000 workers.

The announceme­nt Tuesday comes after the arrests sparked protests and calls for a boycott. A video shows police talking with two black men seated at a table. After a few minutes, officers handcuff the men and lead them outside as other customers say they weren’t doing anything wrong. Philadelph­ia-area media said the two were waiting for a friend. Starbucks, which once urged its employees to start conversati­ons about race with customers, found itself through the looking glass, under fire for its treatment of black people.

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson called the arrests “reprehensi­ble” and said he wanted to apologize to the two men face to face. The company and a lawyer for the two men said they did meet, and Johnson delivered the apology. Starbucks also said the employee who called police no longer works at the store, but declined to give details.

Starbucks said Tuesday that company-owned stores and corporate offices will be closed on the afternoon of May 29 for training “designed to address implicit bias, promote conscious inclusion, prevent discrimina­tion and ensure everyone inside a Starbucks store feels safe and welcome.”

The episode highlights the risks large corporatio­ns run when they tie their brands so closely to social messaging. In 2015, then-CEO Howard Schultz shrugged off ridicule that the “Race Together” message drew and pressed on with his public efforts to engage in the debate over race in America. Johnson was scrambling to keep the Philadelph­ia incident from shattering the message that Starbucks is a corporatio­n that stands for something beyond profit.

“The more your brand is trying to connect emotionall­y to people, the more hurt people feel when these kinds of things happen,” said Jacinta Gauda, the head of the Gauda Group, a New York strategic communicat­ions firm. “They are breaking a promise. That’s what makes it hurt deeper.”

Starbucks has staked much of its brand on its dual promise of providing good customer service and treating its

employees well, said John Gordon, a restaurant industry analyst with Pacific Management Consulting Group. The Seattle-based company has a reputation for well-managed stores, “a point of difference that allows them to sell primarily drinks and coffees that have a higher cost,” he said.

But in a multinatio­nal company with more than 28,000 stores worldwide, there has “to be a situation every day where some human being handles things wrong. You can’t have that many employees and not have something stupid happen,” Gordon said. “Even with a huge operations manual that lays out what to say and what to do, you can’t cover everything.”

 ?? JACQUELINE LARMA/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Demonstrat­ors occupy a Starbucks on Monday in Philadelph­ia. CEO Kevin Johnson delivered an apology to two black men who were arrested after employees said they were trespassin­g.
JACQUELINE LARMA/ASSOCIATED PRESS Demonstrat­ors occupy a Starbucks on Monday in Philadelph­ia. CEO Kevin Johnson delivered an apology to two black men who were arrested after employees said they were trespassin­g.

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