Albuquerque Journal



TITLE ONE money is regularly misused in our schools. When will there be a proper investigat­ion and accounting done? YT

THERE WAS a day when grand theft auto got you 20 years in jail. Here in Albuquerqu­e it gets you 12 hours and out on your own recognizan­ce — and that’s with two warrants out for your arrest already. Good grief! CH

OWNERS OF incessantl­y barking dogs are irresponsi­ble and thoughtles­s. Besides violating city ordinance, constant barking is an audial assault. If only we had a city entity that would address this exasperati­ng matter. We could call it the Animal Welfare Department. Better yet, how about the Neighborho­od Welfare Department. RSM

WE HAVE the wife of a candidate for N.M. governor in a TV advertisem­ent or two. She states that as first lady, she will do this, that and the other thing. Last time I checked, she will not be elected to anything and will have no official position in the government. Does she think she will get a salary? JEH

THE PERSON who thinks reverse mortgages squander their children’s inheritanc­e doesn’t understand the concept. It’s for people who can’t afford to stay in their home. The money isn’t due until the person dies or sells the house. If children don’t like that they need to move into the house and take care of their parents. CM

THE CITY will cite you more money for having weeds in your yard than they will for you possessing weed. Marijuana is prohibited by federal law. Weeds sprout up in lawns and don’t cause any harm. There’s something wrong with that. XC

WHY ISN’T there a “Slow — School Zone” on Coors and St. Joseph’s NW in front of St. Pius High School? TI WILL RILEY’S brave defense of the 2nd Amendment (in an April 27 oped) gives me hope that the future does not belong to gun-banning American oligarchs and their minions. Our society does an awful job of helping those suffering from mental illness or bullying, which is where our outrage should be directed. JB

REGARDING CONCERNS about improving school safety, the prime focus must be keeping guns out of the hands of as many people as possible not just keeping guns out of schools. CT

SO EX-VA nominee Dr. Ronny Jackson was accused by former colleagues of creating a toxic environmen­t to work in, while embattled EPA chief Scott Pruitt has been accused by critics of creating a more toxic environmen­t for Americans to live in? At this rate we soon will need a director for a U.S. Dept. of Detox! RG

THE DEMOCRAT party weaponized the top law enforcemen­t agency and the Justice Department in Washington to use against its political enemies. Our founding fathers realized that if that could happen to political foes, then regular citizens are at risk for the same treatment. That is why they created the Second Amendment and also why it will never be repealed. RDH

SELF-ORDER kiosks replacing counter help at fast-food places. A real fact that raising minimum wage will cause reduction in entry level/lower skilled jobs. CMT DEAR FRANCE: Can we trade presidents? BG

HYPOCRITE: ANYONE who lives in a gated community in the United States that opposes the border wall. SG

THE MOHAWK American Indian (students) should forget Colorado, and attend Western N.M. University; Silver City is a laid back artist colony of a beautiful NM City. Jobs are available to everyone and with their instrument playing abilities they could and should prosper. JP

CHILDREN WHO are bullied by their parents can’t fight back so they bully kids at school. Some of the kids who are bullied fight back with guns. CM

I NOW expect (congressio­nal) candidate (Pat) Davis to target every Albuquerqu­e business large and small that has any contracts with (U.S.) Customs, including office suppliers, hotels, caterers for office functions, IT support, fuel providers, etc. I expect a major crackdown on all these renegade business that provide comfort and aid to ICE. BC

I WILL never vote for anyone who promises “if you vote for me I will do this.” They are living in La La Land. I will vote for someone who says “this is what I stand for and I will do my best to work for these beliefs.” BJC

SINCE THE abolition of slavery we have acted on the principle that human beings are not property to be disposed of as we wish. Good for Iowa for recognizin­g that a separate heartbeat in the womb is proof of a separate human being and banning abortion after that tell-tale sign. ML

THERE ARE a large number of ATV riders in the Westgate area who seem to think that street riding is legal. APD appears not to care. They tear up and down our streets at all hours with impunity. They run stop signs and drive down the wrong side of the street. The city needs to do something now. MAL

ARIZONA TEACHERS, who care for the children, successful­ly held them hostage and got their ransom: pay increase. CB

IF THE anti-Second Amendment diehards get their way and get assault rifles banned, that is only the first step, only the first step, only the first step. Heed what I say. It’s only the beginning. JD

IT SEEMS some of our New Mexico politician­s don’t know the definition of ILLEGAL. I guess they didn’t do so well in school, if they ever went. It means AGAINST THE LAW. Our laws that are in effect are there for a reason. If they don’t like this country’s laws then maybe they should not be here. VCJ

HOW MANY calls to APD and CYFD does it take before an investigat­ion into this type of abuse occurs? How many reports of abuse/traffickin­g have to be “not taken” or “lost” before a child is safe? Please give us a number, APD and CYFD, so citizens know to keep dialing in until the required number is met. MTR

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