Albuquerque Journal

DNC contribute­s $100,000 to help support state campaigns

Money to help shore up Navajo vote and encourage innovation


WASHINGTON — The Democratic National Committee is sending $100,000 to the Democratic Party of New Mexico this year to help shore up the Navajo vote and encourage innovation among county parties in organizing and reaching out to potential voters.

The Washington-based committee described the investment as part of a grant program in which state parties pitched the national committee on ways they would spend money to help Democrats win elections in 2018.

In a statement provided to the Journal, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said the investment is aimed in large part at helping Democrats regain the Governor’s Office after eight years of Republican control under Gov. Susana Martinez.

“This November, we have a real shot at sending a Democratic governor to Santa Fe if we organize everywhere,” Perez said. “The new DNC is partnering with the Democratic Party of New Mexico to engage voters within the Navajo Nation and leave no stone untouched through digital organizing to support Democrats running up and down the ticket in 2018.”

Marg Elliston, chairwoman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, said the monetary award is “the largest investment in competitiv­e grants ever offered by the DNC.”

Joe Kabourek, executive director of the state Democratic Party, said the party will aim to boost Native American turnout across the state but will focus most heavily on the Navajo Nation, which accounts for about 70 percent of all Native American voters in New Mexico

According to the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office, there were 45,118 registered voters on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico in the 2014 election cycle, the last gubernator­ial cycle in the state, and 19,511 turned out to vote. Kabourek said the party will use the grant money in part to hire local Navajo organizers to do grass-roots political outreach on the reservatio­n for Democrats, among other initiative­s.

“There is a lot of organizing work to do … and we’ll be there,” Kabourek said. “We’re thrilled the DNC is investing in grassroots organizing here in New Mexico.”

The Republican National Committee did not respond to the Journal’s request for comment on the DNC investment in the state.

 ??  ?? Tom Perez
Tom Perez

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