Albuquerque Journal

Senate confirms Haspel as first female CIA director

Vote was the closest for CIA nominee in nearly seven decades


WASHINGTON — The Senate confirmed Gina Haspel on Thursday as the first female director of the CIA after a difficult nomination process that reopened an emotional debate about interrogat­ion techniques in one of the darkest chapters in the spy agency’s history.

The 54-45 vote split both parties, with six Democrats joining most Republican­s in support. It was the closest vote for a CIA nominee in nearly seven decades, since the law was changed to require Senate confirmati­on.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called President Donald Trump’s choice of Haspel to lead the agency “the right woman at the right time.”

McConnell steered the confirmati­on swiftly past opponents, including the Republican Sen. John McCain, whose long-distance rejection of the nominee over her role in the CIA’s torture program hung over an impassione­d debate. McCain, who was captured and tortured in the Vietnam War, is at home in Arizona while battling brain cancer and did not vote.

Before voting began, McConnell said Haspel “demonstrat­ed candor, integrity, and a forthright approach” throughout the confirmati­on process and “has quietly earned the respect and admiration” of intelligen­ce community leaders at CIA headquarte­rs and abroad.

Supporters cited Haspel’s 33-year career at the agency. Former top intelligen­ce officials said she earned the chance to take the helm of the intelligen­ce agency.

But Haspel’s nomination was contentiou­s because of her role in a former CIA program to detain and interrogat­e terror suspects at covert sites abroad after Sept. 11.

Her opponents said it wasn’t right to promote someone who supervised a black site in Thailand. They said the U.S. needs to close the book forever on the program that marred America’s image with allies abroad.

Several senators said Haspel was not forthcomin­g in answering questions about her role in the program or the CIA’s decision to destroy videotaped evidence of the sessions. They also had questions about her rejection of the now-banned techniques.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said in a floor speech that Haspel “offered up almost the classic Washington nonapology.”

He asked how the Senate could take seriously Haspel’s “conversion on torture.”

Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Jeff Flake of Arizona were the two Republican­s who voted against Haspel.

Among Democrats supporting Haspel are several up for re-election this fall in states where Trump is popular, including Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Bill Nelson of Florida. Other Democrats voting yes were Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire.

Some Trump-state Democrats, including Sen. Doug Jones of Alabama, opposed the nominee. He said this week that “it’s just hard to get over” the torture issue.

A protester in the Senate visitor gallery briefly disrupted speeches ahead of the vote with shouts against the CIA.

Haspel, 61, is a native of Kentucky but grew up around the world as the daughter of an Air Force serviceman. She worked undercover for nearly all her three decades at the CIA in Africa, Europe and classified locations around the globe. Haspel, who learned Turkish and Russian, was tapped as deputy director of the CIA last year. She worked under former CIA director Mike Pompeo until President Donald Trump moved him to secretary of state. She has been serving as acting director.

Haspel received robust backing from former intelligen­ce, diplomatic, military and national security officials. Among those who supported her nomination were six former CIA directors — Porter Goss, John Brennan, Leon Panetta, George Tenet, William Webster and Mike Hayden — and three former national intelligen­ce directors — James Clapper, Mike McConnell and John Negroponte.

On the opposing side are groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union. More than 100 former U.S. ambassador­s who served both Republican and Democratic presidents sent the Senate a letter opposing Haspel, saying that despite her credential­s, confirming her would give authoritar­ian leaders around the world the license to say U.S. behavior is “no different from ours.”

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Gina Haspel

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