Albuquerque Journal



God bless America, and how’s everybody?

Queen Elizabeth named Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex after Saturday’s wedding. The area is named for the southern part of Saxon England. His Uncle Edward is the Duke of Wessex, his cousin Frederick the Duke of Essex, and any man in Los Angeles without a car is the Duke of No Sex.

Windsor hosted tens of thousands of U.S. tourists who flew to England to attend the wedding or enjoy the pageantry. The U.S. presence was strongly felt in the day’s festivitie­s. Meghan Markle was given the title of Duchess of Sussex, but she’s still below Queen Latifah in the royal line of succession.

Variety said 3 billion viewers worldwide saw the royal wedding in England on Saturday. The country has few recent enemies. It’d be stupid for England to go to war with anyone, because everything in the world that’s worth capturing or bombing or sinking is insured by Lloyd’s of London.

The Wall Street Journal noted Friday that President Trump’s policies, his personalit­y and his very election have millions of Americans engaged in a civil war in social media debates on Facebook and Twitter posts. I never argue with fools in public. People might not notice the difference. Argus Hamilton is the host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, and entertains groups and organizati­ons around the country. Email him at Argus@ArgusHamil­


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