Albuquerque Journal

PRC hopefuls boost renewable energy


WHY AM I so excited by two new candidates for the Public Regulation Commission? Janene Yazzi and Stephen Fischmann will make a difference for all New Mexicans if we put them in office. They are each running against incumbents in the Democratic Primary, Yazzi in District 4 and Fischmann in District 5. The commission faces an enormous challenge and opportunit­y in the rise of renewable energy. Business as usual is just not adequate. Fischmann and Yazzi grasp the promise of renewable energy and how much N.M. will benefit if we lead in its adoption . ...

Energy from solar and wind arrays is now cheaper than energy from burning coal and natural gas, and the gap is widening. New Mexicans should celebrate this milestone because we are extraordin­arily rich in both solar and wind. We can have stable, low-cost energy and generate it with no unhealthy emissions. We can spread the benefits of local generation across the entire state. And, we can continue to export energy to population centers in other states.

Making this transition happen is where Fischmann and Yazzi will shine. Although it would probably help, no new legislatio­n is required. Yazzi and Fischmann can speed the transition simply by focusing their deliberati­ons on cost. This is one of those rare occasions where we can have the best of both worlds —cheap and clean. ROBERT BRESNAHAN Founder, Renewable Taos

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