Albuquerque Journal

Issues of migration won’t go away soon

Candidates for governor argue about problem, potential solutions


WASHINGTON — If anyone wondered whether the immigratio­n debate raging in Congress would be an issue in the New Mexico governor’s race this year, a fundraisin­g email from the campaign of Republican Rep. Steve Pearce on Friday morning erased all doubt.

“Did you see my opponent on CNN?” the message said, urging recipients to watch a video clip of an interview with Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Pearce’s Democratic challenger in the New Mexico gubernator­ial contest. “It exposes Michelle Lujan Grisham’s total unwillingn­ess to compromise in order to secure our border and fix our broken immigratio­n system.”

The fundraisin­g pitch went on to accuse Lujan Grisham of “grandstand­ing” instead of trying to “fix things.”

In a Journal interview Friday, Lujan Grisham, who chairs the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus,

fired back, fiercely disputing the accusation.

“It’s not grandstand­ing to visit the border and personally view the individual­s who are being harmed by these policies,” she said, referring to migrant children she visited in San Diego last week who had been separated from their parents by U.S. border agents as the families tried to enter the U.S. from Mexico illegally.

“Separating kids and families … is an outrageous position for this country, and my colleague just voted for a bill that furthers that effort,” she said of Pearce’s support of a Republican immigratio­n bill that was rejected Thursday by the House.

The campaign drama playing out between New Mexico’s Republican and Democratic gubernator­ial candidates reflects the high political stakes attached to immigratio­n reform, especially over the last week as President Donald Trump’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border exploded into the national consciousn­ess.

Bowing to intense public pressure, Trump rescinded the policy on Wednesday, vowing that families trying to cross the border illegally would still be detained but not separated.

While immigratio­n policy is largely the domain of the federal government — and generally not the responsibi­lity of states and governors — such federal policy looms large in border states like New Mexico.

In recent days, Lujan Grisham has assumed an increasing­ly high-profile and vocal role in the national debate, using her powerful perch as the Hispanic caucus chair to voice outrage about the controvers­ial immigratio­n policy in national television interviews and in news conference­s at the U.S. Capitol.

She was among protesters chanting opposition to the family separation policy outside the White House on Monday and is planning to join a rally in Tornillo, Texas, near the Mexico border today.

The Tornillo holding facility houses male teenagers who illegally crossed the border unaccompan­ied by an adult. New Mexico’s Democratic senators, Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, spoke outside the facility Friday.

Pearce, in an interview with the Journal, said he opposed separating families at the border and understood why Trump relented under the withering public pressure, but he stopped short of calling the policy “a mistake.”

In contrast with Lujan Grisham, the conservati­ve Pearce — who represents New Mexico’s border with Mexico — has maintained a low-key position in the immigratio­n fracas as he aims to moderate his image in a statewide race in which Democratic voters outnumber Republican­s.

However, the congressma­n’s fundraisin­g email Friday showed he is also not averse to using the wedge issue to curry favor with supporters.

Opposing votes

In the broader immigratio­n debate, Lujan Grisham on Thursday voted against the Republican immigratio­n bill that was defeated with unanimous opposition from Democrats, as well as 41 Republican­s. Pearce voted for the legislatio­n.

A vote on a more moderate bill aimed at uniting conservati­ve and moderate House Republican­s is set for next week. Lujan Grisham said she plans to vote against that bill, as well, while Pearce’s office said he wants to see the final version before deciding if he will support it.

Meanwhile, Trump on Thursday told House Republican­s in a tweet “to stop wasting their time” trying to pass immigratio­n legislatio­n that is unlikely to have enough votes to pass in the narrowly divided Senate.

In a Journal interview Thursday, Pearce noted that he introduced legislatio­n last year to address the issue of so-called “Dreamers,” children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents and whose immigratio­n status remains in limbo. Pearce’s bill — a version of which was included in the House GOP legislatio­n that failed Wednesday — would allow these young immigrants to apply for a 10-year period of amnesty from deportatio­n with the ability to renew each decade as they await legal citizenshi­p through existing channels.

“Anyone can stand out there and grandstand and go out in front of the cameras every time they turn on — that’s easy,” Pearce said of his opponent. “Cranking out solutions is the hard part, and I’ve been very engaged in that since I put my bill in last year.”

Lujan Grisham disagreed, saying she has been pushing for a “permanent” solution that includes an expedited path to citizenshi­p for the Dreamers. She opposes Pearce’s proposal, saying it still punishes law-abiding Dreamers whose only crime was being brought to America by their parents . She said it won’t give these young people lasting peace of mind that citizenshi­p conveys.

“It doesn’t create a permanent solution for Dreamers,” she said. “It basically says we’ll leave you in limbo and allow you to have guest worker protection­s, and still a fairly high bar but never a pathway to citizenshi­p.”

As of late last week, the bill set for a vote this week included a path to citizenshi­p for Dreamers that would also allow these young people to apply for citizenshi­p for their parents. But it also included about $24 billion for Trump’s border wall, scrapped a diversity lottery program and limited familybase­d immigratio­n.

Pearce said Lujan Grisham’s opposition to that bill — at least in the form it took late last week — amounts to “obstructio­n.”

He also suggested that most New Mexicans would oppose allowing Dreamers to jump to the front of the citizenshi­p line.

“We’re going to give special privilege to a subgroup of people who have not followed the law, and we’re going to give them priority over people who have?” Pearce said. “Where is the fairness in that particular approach? Where is the fairness? I think that will be a very clear defining factor.”

Meanwhile, Lujan Grisham criticized Republican proposals like the one the House is expected to consider next week to spend billions for a border wall. She also said the bill would require employers to screen workers for legal status using a federal database that would put undue financial hardship on employers, including many in New Mexico. She called those measures “draconian.”

“I don’t want to keep litigating what we do with 11 million (undocument­ed) people,” Lujan Grisham said, “but these draconian responses are not a legitimate response.”

Was Pearce MIA?

Lujan Grisham insisted Pearce hasn’t worked with Democrats to find long-term solutions to the nation’s immigratio­n challenges.

“I didn’t see Pearce at any of the negotiatio­ns over more than six months where we had 50 Republican­s on the (Democratic sponsored) USA Act,” to overhaul the nation’s immigratio­n laws, Lujan Grisham added. “We’ve been negotiatin­g border security and border protection­s for months and I didn’t see Pearce at any of those meetings.”

The USA Act gives Dreamers a chance to become legal permanent residents, but it does not create a special pathway to becoming citizens. To qualify, they must have been in the U.S. since at least 2013 and have entered the country before they turned 18. They must also meet education requiremen­ts and have no record of serious crimes.

The measure also orders the Department of Homeland Security to install the best technology to secure the border with Mexico, but it does not explicitly authorize constructi­on of a wall. It creates federal grants for law enforcemen­t agencies along the borders, including improved communicat­ions, and increases the number of immigratio­n judges.

Lujan Grisham said, “Most New Mexicans and most Americans want us to deal with the Dreamer issue and I’m in a much stronger position to defend my position” than Pearce.

She also points out that Pearce “said he was against the wall but voted for the wall.”

Pearce said the GOP bills aren’t perfect “but we’ve got to move ourselves forward in some way.”

Obama administra­tion

The Trump administra­tion separated 1,995 children from 1,940 adults from April 19 to May 31, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Pearce argued that the administra­tion’s actions amounted to the same practice of Democratic President Barack Obama in 2014 when a surge of migrants fleeing violence in Central America showed up on the U.S. border with Mexico.

“The camps I visited during the Obama administra­tion had kids in there by themselves, so obviously somebody was separating them before,” Pearce said.

During the Obama-era migration crisis, thousands of unaccompan­ied minors were placed in holding facilities, just as thousands of unaccompan­ied minors are being held in today’s shelters along with those who were separated from their parents.

Jeh Johnson, who served as Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary at that time, has said under Obama’s administra­tion entire families were detained at the border during the crisis, but children were rarely separated unless child traffickin­g or some other crime involving children was suspected.

“Children were kept in these facilities — that’s true,” Lujan Grisham allowed. “Obama did that — that’s true. But he didn’t separate kids at the border and rip them from their parents. Families were kept together.”

Meanwhile, Pearce and Lujan Grisham agreed on at least one thing — that the immigratio­n issue is likely be a factor in the gubernator­ial race through the November election, especially if Congress can’t agree on comprehens­ive reform.

“You’ve got a very stark contrast,” Pearce said, comparing himself to Lujan Grisham on the issue. “I’m trying to figure my way out of it, and my opponent is simply part of the obstructio­n.”

Lujan Grisham, in turn, accused Pearce and other conservati­ve Republican­s of blocking attempts at bipartisan reform.

“I think this election is going to be about jobs, and immigratio­n issues are about the economy and jobs in constructi­on and health care and agricultur­e,” she said. “In that regard, you bet it will be something we’ll debate and discuss.”

 ??  ?? Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham
 ??  ?? Rep. Steve Pearce
Rep. Steve Pearce
 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, middle, chair of the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus, joins colleagues in a protest Thursday at the Capitol as President Donald Trump meets with House Republican­s.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, middle, chair of the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus, joins colleagues in a protest Thursday at the Capitol as President Donald Trump meets with House Republican­s.
 ?? ADOLPHE PIERRE-LOUIS/JOURNAL ?? Rep. Steve Pearce, right, speaks to a crowd at a press conference April 18, 2017, in Albuquerqu­e. A Pearce fundraisin­g email attacked his rival for governor for her stance on immigratio­n.
ADOLPHE PIERRE-LOUIS/JOURNAL Rep. Steve Pearce, right, speaks to a crowd at a press conference April 18, 2017, in Albuquerqu­e. A Pearce fundraisin­g email attacked his rival for governor for her stance on immigratio­n.

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