Albuquerque Journal

High schools fail at math education

- BY JOSÉ L. PALACIOS José L. Palacios holds a PhD in Mathematic­s from the University of California at Berkeley. He has been teaching in the Electrical and Computer Engineerin­g Department at UNM for the past five years.

As my youngest daughter enters senior year in a reputed high school in Albuquerqu­e, and college applicatio­ns become our daily bread, I reflect on what she has learned in that institutio­n.

She has been exposed to 20th century authors like Ray Bradbury, and even 21st century Pulitzer Prize winners like Anthony Doerr. In American history, they have discussed the presidenci­es of Carter, Reagan, the Bushes and Clinton. She has dealt with 19th century chemistry knowledge — the periodic table was introduced in 1869 by Mendeleev — and been told about elements that were discovered less than a hundred years ago. Similarly in biology, she has been introduced to Mendelian inheritanc­e, a theory first exposed by Mendel in 1865 and later rediscover­ed in 1900.

But when it comes to mathematic­s, she has been reduced mostly to medieval knowledge, has scratched the surface of Renaissanc­e calculatio­ns — finding the roots of a second-degree polynomial, or the inverse of a complex number — and spent a full semester digging in Euclid’s Elements, which collects known facts of geometry from, or before, the fourth century before Christ. Thanks to her past good grades and sensible choices, in her final high school year, unlike many of the students of her cohort, she will learn something about one-variable differenti­al calculus, whose modern developmen­t is usually attributed to Newton and Leibniz at the end of the 17th century.

The facts are that the high school in APS with the best four-year graduation rate — allows almost half of its students to graduate without taking a calculus course. The percentage from schools with the worst rates of graduation hovers around 10 percent. Differenti­al and integral calculus should be taught in every high school in America to everyone, not just to some lucky or special ones. It is the basic language not only of engineerin­g, but of every discipline — which could be in the social sciences — that tries to describe rates of change. With this tool one can further study subjects like probabilit­y and statistics, which are fundamenta­l to the understand­ing of uncertaint­y or randomness, paramount in modern life.

There is nothing wrong in still studying trigonomet­ry or logarithms in high school, but with the right emphasis and time constraint­s. I remember my own high school almost half a century ago in impoverish­ed Spain under Generaliss­imo Franco. We spent quite some time handling logarithmi­c tables to be able to multiply large numbers, but we also covered the fundamenta­ls of limits, derivative­s and integrals. Nowadays we would not want our students spending time with musty logarithmi­c tables because we have cheap hand-held calculator­s, though we still want them to understand the notion of the slow-growing logarithmi­c function used, for example, in analysis of algorithms. We do not want to throw away the knowledge acquired through the centuries, but we need to refocus and to overhaul the curriculum of high school mathematic­s.

I teach advanced engineerin­g math at UNM, and I observe how in many cases American students have to catch up to their internatio­nal classmates who have been exposed to more mathematic­s in their high school years. After some time, things level off and all students perform in a similar manner, but just imagine how far our college students could go if their first year in college were a breeze because all high school graduates knew well their 17th century mathematic­s.

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