Albuquerque Journal

Trump expresses limited support for Sessions

Job is safe until elections in November but no assurances after that


President Donald Trump said Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ job is safe at least until the midterm elections in November.

In an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg News Thursday, he was asked if he’d keep Sessions beyond November, but declined to comment.

Trump has repeatedly attacked Sessions for recusing himself in March 2017 from the investigat­ion of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein then appointed Robert Mueller to conduct what’s become a widerangin­g probe, including whether people around Trump conspired with the Russians and whether the president sought to obstruct justice.

Trump also has ridiculed Sessions, a former Republican senator and early supporter of his presidenti­al candidacy, as “weak” for failing to aggressive­ly pursue Republican allegation­s of antiTrump bias in the Justice Department and FBI.

Sessions’ inability to “control” his department was “a regrettabl­e thing,” Trump said in an interview last week with Fox News. Sessions responded in a defiant statement, saying, “While I am attorney general, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerat­ions.”

Trump’s comments Thursday were in keeping with the prediction­s of some key Republican­s in Congress, who are now saying they expect the president to oust Sessions after the elections in November.

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