Albuquerque Journal

Flake’s decision was one that served the nation

- Columnist E-mail (c) 2018, Washington Post Writers Group.

WASHINGTON — Preferring verbal felicity to practical wisdom, a character in a Benjamin Disraeli novel quipped, “A majority is always the best repartee.” Not really. Open societies that want to remain so should prefer persuasion to raw power, even the power of majorities. Which is why Republican Sen. Jeff Flake served the nation, its highest tribunal, constituti­onal morality and even his ungrateful party by not being a team player.

A minority of Americans are perpetuall­y infuriated, and the Republican portion of that minority is furious with Flake because he used his leverage in a closely divided Senate to compel the FBI investigat­ion of accusation­s against Brett Kavanaugh. Do enraged Republican­s think the national interest, or even their party’s interest, would have been well-served if, with the embers still smoldering from Christine Blasey Ford’s and Kavanaugh’s testimonie­s, Senate Republican­s had used their legislativ­e muscle to shove Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on to completion by now?

In that case, Justice Kavanaugh — 20 percent of a majority on a court often divided 5-4 on contentiou­s matters — would have served under a cloud of the suspicion that he got there only because his party would not countenanc­e a reasonable delay that would enable the FBI to seek pertinent informatio­n. But how much of a delay is reasonable partly depends on what informatio­n is deemed pertinent.

Flake’s Republican denouncers accurately anticipate­d that the FBI investigat­ion and Democrats’ complaints about it would begin simultaneo­usly. Quickly abandoning their demand for one week, Democrats said that any time limit is “arbitrary” and, besides, is unacceptab­le because the FBI should follow any evidence relating to his “character” or “temperamen­t.” This, however, surely is pertinent: Even before Ford’s letter alleging Kavanaugh’s sexual assault became public, and before some of his boldly categorica­l assertions to the Judiciary Committee concerning his high school and college comportmen­t made those subjects pertinent, not one of the 49 Democratic senators announced support for his confirmati­on.

With mid-term elections impending, Democrats will soon say: “We should wait and let the voters be heard from.” This argument for a plebiscita­ry confirmati­on process is an argument that Republican­s richly deserve to have turned against them. It is as anti-constituti­onal and unconserva­tive as it was in March 2016 when it was concocted for use against the nomination of Merrick Garland. Had the Republican-controlled Senate confirmed him — he was manifestly qualified, moderate and 63 — today’s nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy could have been Neil Gorsuch. Are Republican­s happy with the way things have worked out?

At this point in a cringe-inducing process that is not apt to become less so, one considerat­ion is more important than all the other considerat­ions — justice for her, justice for him, raising awareness about bad sexual behavior, etc. — combined: What best serves, or least further injures, the court’s institutio­nal standing? Which is worse, confirming Kavanaugh, who diminished himself by his strident self-defense, or not confirming him, validating what has been done to him with as-yet-uncorrobor­ated accusation­s?

Something might be salvaged from the current nadir, although not enough to compensate for damage already done. The FBI investigat­ion might reveal nothing, or something, that definitive­ly substantia­tes, or refutes, Ford’s or Kavanaugh’s sworn assertions. Flake bought time for this by acting like a senator. By, that is, recognizin­g that the separation of powers retains its vitality only when legislator­s are more interested in their Article One powers and responsibi­lities than in the preference­s of any president.

In his book “Conscience of a Conservati­ve,” Flake recalls when House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said approvingl­y that the statue in the Lincoln Memorial depicts one of the president’s hands “in a perpetual fist.” Actually, neither Lincoln’s visage nor his left hand suggests pugnacity. The statue is, after all, situated next to the words “with malice toward none.” DeLay saw what he wanted to see early in today’s era of smash-mouth politics, when “confirmati­on bias” has several meanings.

In Robert Penn Warren’s “All the King’s Men,” the 1946 roman a clef about Louisiana’s Huey Long, the populist governor Willie Stark searches for something unsavory in a judge’s background: “Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something.” And when an aide tells Stark that a particular act is beneath the dignity of a governor, Stark replies that “there ain’t anything worth doing a man can do and keep his dignity.” We should hope, against much current evidence, that this is not true.


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