Albuquerque Journal

Johnson has honesty and plenty of common sense


DURING THE 23 years I lived in New Mexico, I came to know and respect Gary Johnson. I remember when leaders of both parties laughed when he announced he was running for governor. Imagine the gall of a guy who was a successful businessma­n, accomplish­ed athlete and displayed good common sense thinking he could just become governor.

I sent him money then, and I’m sending him money now.

Gary is honest and, as an independen­t, will provide the same common sense and care he demonstrat­ed in his eight years as governor.

The two-party system means that to get elected you have to “toe the line” to the party leaders, whether it’s (Democrats Nancy) Pelosi or (Chuck) Schumer. We need more independen­t citizen legislator­s and senators who will not be swayed by donations or their party’s bumper-sticker slogans — people who will vote for what’s best for the states and the country.

The average U.S. senator has to raise $1 million per month to stay in office. Who do you think they listen to when crucial decisions must be made?

I can tell you that there (are) thousands of people here in Texas that are hoping our fellow U.S. citizens in New Mexico support Gary and get this thing started. New Mexico could lead the way in the groundswel­l of support from people everywhere who realize we need to go back to citizen legislator­s who are in it to serve their country and not enrich themselves.


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