Albuquerque Journal

Heinrich has failed the state, country

Senate opponent Rich says he would put New Mexico and America first


Sen. Martin Heinrich has failed hard-working New Mexicans. It is time for him to go.

Heinrich wrote in the (Oct. 31) Journal that his priorities are “an economy that works for everyone, affordable health care, keeping our nation safe, and continuing to make our state a better place to live in and call home.”

In each instance, he has voted and acted for the opposite.

The current surge in New Mexico and America’s economies came from President Donald Trump’s cuts in burdensome regulation­s and his Tax Cut and Jobs Act, which Heinrich voted against. Heinrich voted to oppose oil and gas exploratio­n. He voted for the DoddFrank bill that crushed small banks. He voted for the Paris climate accords, which would have handcuffed America. None of these votes support “an economy that works for everyone.”

Heinrich voted for ‘Obamacare,’ which raised health insurance costs, forced us into health plans that we don’t want and took away our health care choices. It has been the opposite of “affordable health care.”

Heinrich supports open borders. He has voted to protect sanctuary cities. He voted against border security funding. He opposed Kate’s Law, which would deport convicted criminal illegal immigrants. He voted for the Iran deal. He voted against missile defense funding. These votes don’t “keep our nation safe.”

Heinrich moved more of New Mexico’s public lands under federal control and limited their use, robbing New Mexicans of jobs. He moved his family to Silver Spring, Md., abandoning the people of New Mexico. He rarely returns to hear our challenges. That’s not “making our state a better place to live in and call home.” He doesn’t even live here. He doesn’t deserve to call New Mexico home.

Heinrich has been an ineffectiv­e senator. He has not introduced one bill that has been signed into law. Zero. Zip. Nada. None.

You deserve a senator who will put New Mexicans first. I care about New Mexico. I will make us safer by helping President Trump build a stronger national defense and border security that works. With safer communitie­s and improved schools, New Mexico will attract more employers who offer good-paying jobs.

I will support President Trump’s agenda to Make America Great Again. Unlike Heinrich, who kowtows to his party leaders and votes against every one of President Trump’s judicial nominees, I will support nominees who will follow the U.S. Constituti­on.

It’s time you had a senator who puts New Mexico and America first.

 ??  ?? Mick Rich
Mick Rich

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