Albuquerque Journal

Johnson would defy the status quo

Senate candidate wants to represent New Mexicans, not a political party


For voters in New Mexico who are satisfied with the way things are going in Washington, D.C., there are two perfectly acceptable choices in Tuesday’s election for the United States Senate. There’s a Republican, and there’s a Democrat. And if you are OK with the status quo, it really doesn’t matter very much which New Mexico chooses.

The Senate we have today is made up of Republican­s and Democrats, and control has shifted back and forth between the two for decades. Looking back, regardless of which party is in charge, the same things keep happening: The national debt multiplies, now having reached $21 trillion. Our troops keep fighting wars that have no clear objective. An immigratio­n system that everyone agrees is shamefully broken remains broken. Medicare and Social Security remain on paths to insolvency. And the partisan bickering just keeps getting worse.

If more of the same is what New Mexico wants, that is an option. But if so, I’m not your candidate.

But if you are sick and tired of the way Washington, D.C., is operating, I AM your candidate. If you want to put a stop to deficit spending that is putting our young people’s futures at risk, I’m the guy who will actually fight to stop those deficits. If you want New Mexico to have a senator who won’t just be a reliable “R” or “D” when votes are cast, you can elect someone who will do what’s best for New Mexico, not a political party or a PAC.

Everyone, including the government itself, knows Medicare and Social Security will, in a few short years, reach points at which the money coming in doesn’t cover the money going out. I’ll be that senator who stands up, tells the truth, and actually works to be sure those programs are actually around when New Mexicans need them.

I’ll be that senator who tells the truth about immigratio­n: That we need a system for legal immigratio­n that works and common-sense border security, not a wall or thousands of troops repelling imaginary invasions.

In short, I can promise one thing if elected: Everyone in America will know New Mexico has a senator who isn’t interested in being part of the status quo.

As I’ve traveled to every corner of our great state over the past several weeks, I have been reminded of why serving as New Mexico’s governor was such an honor. New Mexicans want bright futures for our kids, opportunit­ies for all, and fairness from their government.

That’s what I want for New Mexico, and that’s why I’m running for the United States Senate.

 ??  ?? Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson

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