Albuquerque Journal

BernCo votes to add APS to commission

Proposal would put two school board members on joint city-county board


Bernalillo County commission­ers last week voted unanimousl­y to support a measure allowing two Albuquerqu­e Public Schools board members to join the Albuquerqu­e/ Bernalillo County Government Commission.

The proposed intergover­nmental amendment would formalize the inclusion of APS by adding two school board members to the commission.

Created in 1999, the joint citycounty commission — currently comprised of four county commission­ers, four city councilors and the mayor — works to promote coordinati­on and cooperatio­n between the city and county.

The commission also oversees the Behavioral Health Initiative. Members serve one-year terms.

Commission Chairman Steven Michael Quezada said the ABCGC recognizes the importance of the school district’s involvemen­t in matters affecting the community.

“We at the ABCGC make a lot of decisions based on different things, from infrastruc­ture to behavioral health, which directly affects are schools,” Quezada said. “I believe that it would be good if they were a part of the conversati­on as we discuss things as a whole group.”

The Albuquerqu­e City Council is expected to hear the amendment when it meets today, while the APS Board of Education will consider the amendment Dec. 5.

All three entities have to approve the amendment before it becomes effective.

 ??  ?? Steven Michael Quezada
Steven Michael Quezada

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