Albuquerque Journal

‘Hanging the greens’ a tradition from ages ago

Ancient peoples believed strong spirits lived in trees and plants

- Tracey Fitzgibbon is a certified nurseryman. Send garden-related questions to Digging In, Albuquerqu­e Journal, P.O. Drawer J, Albuquerqu­e, NM 87103, or to

Q: We were hanging evergreen garland in our class when one of my students asked “why?” I didn’t have a good explanatio­n and am hoping you can shed some light as to why we traditiona­lly hang evergreens in our homes during the holiday season. — T.Y., Albuquerqu­e

A: I have a book on the history of why we do so many odd things during different seasons throughout the year and here’s what I’ve learned.

First, in several cultures of ages ago it was believed that spirits lived in the trees and plantlife that surround us. So it came to be that since the “evergreen” plants didn’t die during the winter months they were stronger and needed to be more revered. What better way to bring strength and hope to your home than evergreen boughs draped along entrances and hearths to enlist the help of the spirits in the day-to-day life of peoples gone by.

Also remember the daylight this time of year in northern climes is very short, making the night a far scarier time! Since the evergreen burned brighter, because of the extra sap, they were most welcome in the dwellings keeping the night at bay. And you need remember that evergreens smell really nice! When you lived with several people, perhaps your livestock too, bunched up together and bathing wasn’t an everyday habit, these spaces probably got a bit ripe. So having the cleansing smell of the evergreen in with you the surroundin­gs were made a bit more pleasant. But it was having the evergreen boughs indoors that were believed to keep the ne’er-do-wells from crossing your threshold or at least lessening their “bad” powers if they did make it inside. So that’s why the tradition of “hanging the greens” caught on and stayed an event that we carry on to this day! Bringing in evergreen boughs is a way to keep the surroundin­gs stronger spirituall­y and perhaps a bit healthier during the long dark winter months. Those ancient peoples helped start a tradition that is still a very good thing.

Q: Here at work we always have a gift exchange and I drew the “gardener” among us! Help! I have no idea what to get her! — N.A., Albuquerqu­e

A: Get thee to a nursery and find an amaryllis bulb and a cheery, perfectly sized pot for the new treasure. The amaryllis is such an easy-to-grow plant and a visually marvelousl­y treat that she’ll be thrilled. The blooms on these creatures come in so many different colors that you can, if you know enough about your co-worker, probably even match her favorite color.

If you don’t think the bulb is the ticket then check out the 2019 flower seed packets, select a few and tie them up with a new pair of garden gloves. Trust me, your gardening co-worker will appreciate your thoughtful­ness and you can never have too many pairs of garden gloves around. All would be welcomed wholeheart­edly.

Don’t worry about your choices either. It’s the time and effort that you’ll but into the selection that’ll warm the cockles of her heart and what could be better than giving the prospect of living creatures to brighten her world. You’ll make her day to be happy while she’s out there “Diggin’ In”!

Readers: Keep in mind the City’s green waste collection service is still happening. Through Dec. 14, you can place your collected clippings, trimmimgs, and all manner of seasonal landscape tidying curbside to be whisked away on you designated trash collection day. Remember any of the bags or bundles need to weigh less than 40 pounds and be no longer in length than 4 feet. Don’t injure or endanger our city workers by creating waste that is too heavy or unmanageab­le. This is a really marvelous service offered by our city, so get cracking and know your “green waste” will be put to good use.

 ??  ?? Tracey Fitzgibbon
Tracey Fitzgibbon

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