Albuquerque Journal

Single mom grateful for man’s friendship

- Abigail Van Buren Contact or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: A year ago my 13-year marriage fell apart. My husband, “Rick,” will be spending the next six years in prison. I am 32 and have two boys, ages 13 and 15.

The last year has been pretty tough for all of us. I’ve been learning how to be both mother and father to them. I am also heartbroke­n by what he did that landed him in prison. I have filed for divorce.

Rick is the only man I have ever been with. But over the last couple of months I have begun developing feelings for someone, or at least I think I have.

“Jason” is a great man. We attend the same church, and it’s important to me and my family that he’s devoted to God like we are. Jason loves my kids, and my kids like him a lot, too. He has also taken the time to mentor my oldest son. Every time I see Jason I feel happier than I’ve been in a very long time. He has no idea of how strong my feelings are toward him.

Should I let Jason know what my feelings are? I’m confused. Could this just be me wanting companions­hip? I love being his friend and would like to continue to be. I don’t want to ruin it by revealing my feelings if he doesn’t feel the same. Also, I don’t want to rush into anything. — LONELY AND CONFUSED

DEAR LONELY AND CONFUSED: There is nothing wrong with wanting companions­hip, but the last thing you and your children need is for you to jump from the frying pan into the fire. You are still a married woman. Jason may be terrific — Heaven sent, even — but it’s too soon to “declare” anything. The two of you are still getting to know each other, and love needs time to develop. Be patient and allow the relationsh­ip to evolve.

DEAR ABBY: This is for delivery drivers or anyone making a delivery to your house that requires a signature or a real person to receive the item (i.e., an Uber driver with food). I’m 61 and have very bad knees. I can’t just jump up and run to the door. Today a driver knocked on my door and then, as I was trying to get out of my chair and walk to the door, he started punching the doorbell repeatedly.

Many people can’t get there in an instant. Please give folks like us a minute to get to the door. Someone could fall while trying to rush and get hurt. — NOT FAST ENOUGH IN FLORIDA

DEAR N.F.E.: You make a good point. Delivery people sometimes become frustrated because they have many deliveries to make. A solution to your problem might be to post a small sign next to your doorbell that reads: Please be patient. I’ll open the door in a minute!

“Smart” doorbells are available for use with a cellphone that enable you to communicat­e with a delivery person at the door before you get there. Consider getting one.

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