Albuquerque Journal

Trujillo’s accuser: I stand by my decision to protect other victims


In May of this year, I publicly accused Rep. Carl Trujillo of sexually harassing me while I worked at the State Legislatur­e in 2013 and 2014. The goal of my open letter was to protect other women from Mr. Trujillo’s harassing behaviors by seeing him removed from the Legislatur­e. I asked Mr. Trujillo to resign voluntaril­y. After he did not, voters of his district removed him from office.

As formal ethics proceeding­s took hold after my open letter was published, I felt it was most prudent to step back, let the investigat­ion take its course and allow my counsel to advocate for me. But I now feel like I need to use my own voice to help explain what has happened over the past seven months.

Despite allegation­s from multiple accusers against Mr. Trujillo, some have tried to frame this case as a “he said/ she said” matter. My case is more accurately framed as “he said/she said and they said, too.” The Legislatur­e’s subcommitt­ee found probable cause of harassment. My account was corroborat­ed by multiple witnesses, who were interviewe­d by the Legislatur­e’s investigat­ors and later deposed under oath by Mr. Trujillo’s attorneys.

I was also prepared to testify under oath regarding the sexual harassment that I was subjected to by Mr. Trujillo. I had offered to testify under oath in my first interview with the Legislatur­e’s investigat­ors, but this offer was declined. Instead, I was told that the interview transcript was only for note-taking purposes and then the transcript would be destroyed — that no one else would see the transcript. Months later, I was shocked to learn that the transcript of my supposedly private interview was not only given to Mr. Trujillo’s attorneys upon request, but also posted on the Legislatur­e’s website for all to see.

Mr. Trujillo’s attorneys also demanded I disclose the names of everyone I had communicat­ed with regarding the sexual harassment I had experience­d from Mr. Trujillo. I knew this list included names of women who shared their own experience­s of being sexually harassed, communicat­ions made in strictest confidence.

After seeing Mr. Trujillo’s aggressive reaction to my allegation­s, I believed his team wanted the names to attempt to intimidate and harass more individual­s, and particular­ly those associated with me. I absolutely refused to give the names of these women to Mr. Trujillo.

Unfortunat­ely, I was ordered by a judge to produce the requested names anyway, including written communicat­ions with these women, as well as my health records — and if I continued to refuse, then I would not be allowed to testify as a witness in the scheduled proceeding­s against Mr. Trujillo. After agonizing over the decision, I chose to be excluded as a witness rather than to violate the confidence of other victims of harassment and further sacrifice my privacy.

I stand by my decision. I started this process determined to protect other sexual harassment victims and defy the intimidati­on and attacks leveled at survivors, and I have ended this process doing the same.

My hope is that everyone involved can learn from this first experience with the new Anti-Harassment Policy and continue to improve it to protect the privacy of victims of sexual harassment.

I am grateful for the many strong individual­s and organizati­ons who have supported and helped me through this year. Every victim deserves the level of support that I am receiving, and more. We as a community have a long-term responsibi­lity to respect and protect each other, starting with individual­s vulnerable to the abuse of power. I am proud of the steps I took to bring us closer to this reality. Bonar is a lobbyist for Animal Protection Voters. After Bonar declined to testify, a final report released recently by an eight-member House ethics subcommitt­ee did not specifical­ly exonerate Trujillo, but said the panel could not make a final determinat­ion about whether Trujillo violated the Legislatur­e’s policy against sexual harassment. Trujillo was defeated in the June Democratic primary and his term in the House expires Dec. 31.

 ??  ?? Laura Bonar
Laura Bonar

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