Albuquerque Journal

Mueller report findings upend partisan views of investigat­ion

Majority no longer favors continuing House inquiry


Americans are split over whether House Democrats should continue to investigat­e President Donald Trump after special counsel Robert Mueller made no determinat­ion about whether he attempted to obstruct justice during the inquiry into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, a Washington Post-Schar School poll finds.

The division marks a clear break from public support for Russia-related investigat­ions at the start of the year, when an overall majority supported House Democrats’ efforts to examine whether Trump’s subordinat­es conspired with Russia as well as Trump’s relationsh­ip with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Six House panels are digging into aspects of Trump’s campaign, his finances and his efforts to discredit Mueller’s inquiry as a “witch hunt,” while they wrestle with Attorney General William Barr for access to Mueller’s full report and the underlying evidence that informed his conclusion­s. Mueller did not find that Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia in 2016.

An overwhelmi­ng 83 percent say the Mueller report should be made public in its entirety, and 57 percent say Barr — who described some of Mueller’s principal findings in a letter to Congress this month — has not released enough details about the report.

The Post-Schar School national poll, conducted Tuesday through Friday, underscore­s how much the political dynamics surroundin­g Mueller’s report have changed between when it was a work in progress and its completion just over one week ago.

Nearly 8 in 10 Republican­s say they feel “satisfied” with the investigat­ion’s conclusion­s, a strikingly positive assessment for a group that widely disapprove­d of Mueller’s handling of the investigat­ion just last month.

Among Democrats, who long expressed faith in Mueller during the inquiry, 53 percent now say they are disappoint­ed with its conclusion­s. And while most still approve of Mueller’s efforts, more than 6 in 10 Democrats do not accept his finding on whether Trump conspired with Russia.

Over the course of Mueller’s 22-month investigat­ion, and as the special counsel racked up indictment­s of individual­s in Trump’s inner circle, many Democrats in public office had expressed confidence that the inquiry would reveal something crippling about Trump, and were as shocked as once-skeptical Republican­s were elated when Barr delivered Mueller’s principal conclusion­s.

Perhaps unsurprisi­ngly, the end of the investigat­ion has done little to shake partisans’ conviction­s about Trump’s guilt or innocence. A 76 percent majority of Democrats thinks Trump committed serious wrongdoing related to Russian election interferen­ce or the investigat­ion that followed, including nearly two-thirds who say he committed a crime. Separately, 8 in 10 Democrats think Trump tried to hinder the Russia investigat­ion and committed obstructio­n of justice in the process.

Among Republican­s, 15 percent think Trump committed serious wrongdoing, while 21 percent think he obstructed justice. Independen­ts are split about evenly on both questions, with just under half both faulting Trump for serious wrongdoing and saying he obstructed justice.

The partisan split in public sentiment suggests that there is little incentive for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to alter their current positions as congressio­nal investigat­ions continue. Democrats have refused to accept Barr’s statement of Mueller’s principal conclusion­s as the exoneratio­n that Republican­s claim it is, rejecting the attorney general’s assessment that the evidence of obstructio­n Mueller uncovered was uncompelli­ng.

Americans are skeptical of Trump’s claim of “complete and total exoneratio­n” by the investigat­ion’s conclusion­s, in contrast with Mueller’s descriptio­n that while the report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him” on the issue of obstructio­n. By 61 percent to 32 percent, more Americans believe Mueller than Trump on this issue.

Mueller’s findings have done little to affect how the public feels about impeaching Trump. The poll finds a 54 percent majority saying Congress should not begin impeachmen­t hearings, only a slight shift from a January Post-ABC poll. The share of Democrats wanting to impeach Trump stands at 61 percent, little changed from 64 percent in January. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had largely dismissed the prospect before Mueller finished his report.

 ??  ?? Robert Mueller
Robert Mueller

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